
Sunday, 3 October 2010

World cardmaking day!

Morning peeps!! I might have a few posts today!! I am treating myself to trying to make some cards today.
This one is for my gorgeous hubby Scott. Its a wordbbok kind of card featuring some old christmas photo's of my gorgeous little guys (....yup they have one of those mum's that dress them up and take piccies, poor boys they will be scarred for life!!! romfl!!!) but they do look sooooo cute!!! I love the one of Mo on his first christmas, he was 9 days old and everytime we picked him up his trousers fell off and his jumper went past his skinny knees!! awwww!!!

I used the fabulous All I want for christmas wordbook download from funkyhand for this one, I love it because it co-ordinates all the papers for me without me stressing for half a day if I used the right colours!!! lol!!!
I'll leave you with a few more piccies of the pages!!!

Ok, off out in the rain to walk to my little craft room now!! I will emerge later with some more cards!! what else could I possibly do on world cardmaking day?!!!

hugs Lou xxxxx