
Thursday, 26 July 2012

Buzzy Buzzy Bee....

skin- blush, sunkissed pink, coral
buzzy bee outfit- caramel,cocoa and burnt sienna,pastel yellow and mustard

Morning Peeps!!
How are you all this morning? I hope you are all having a great day so far. 
I am at work today so I thought I would pop in early and share my Cuddly Buddly DT post for this week....I had help this week too from a squishy little Mo (..his make is down the page a bit!!) 

This super cute Buzzy Buzzy Bee is an older release from Lilyboo but she was sooo summery and cute that I couldn't resist a bit of a bee make!! I wanted too keep it kinda mono so the soft browns in the papers match the soft fuzzy browns on my little bee, then I dotted some pollen around her using the same colours and the fine tips on my promarkers.
So I told you I had help with my DT make this morning and here is my mini Cuddly Buddly DT member.......Mo!!!

Mo decided he needed to jazz up one of his picnic sandwich bags so he coloured in his bee with his whispers pens (...I LOVE how he copied mamma and did some little pollen dots, too cute!!!) He cut her out with my oval nesties and then a bigger nestie for "the blue 'boy' papers" he he he!!He loves my ATG gun so he was super happy sticking the layers together and then onto the little sandwich bag. Mumma helped him with folding it over so the fold tucks under the top of the oval nesties to hold it down!
Mo even has his little make in HERE in the Cuddly Buddly ideas gallery which he was over the moon about. He looked at it and said "oooh mumma, I have my own cuddly name stamp, I am so famous now" he he he he!! I love that about Mo!!! he always says that if they pick up something with a photo of him in when Anice from Funky Hand is on C&C!! its so cute!!

So a couple of challenges I would love to enter with Buzzy Buzzy Bee are....

Ok, got to go get me ready for work!! Thank you for popping in on me!
huge hugs Lou xxx