
Friday, 4 January 2013

One Little Word...

Morning Peeps!!!
No make from me today! just a word!!
This year I will be beginning my first Project Life journey and I wanted to join in with the One Little Word project too. I am really excited about having something to focus in on and bought my self the digi Becky Higgins Celementine kit from Jessica to get me started.Then all I needed to do was choose a word....

So it has taken me almost a week to narrow down my word for 2013! I am not feeling too bad about it though because I saw my gorgeous buddy Carissa's post this morning and she had a huge list to decide on hers.
Me? I had 2 words on my list..Family and Breathe. I have been lamenting between the 2 because they are both gorgeous subjects to choose but my final choice was easy because of the moments with my family or in my life that make me Breathe, hence my one little word for 2013 is....

and my reasoning? well,its easy really. 

To breathe is to live and there are moments in my life that take my breath away, moments that I love and will remember forever,then there are the moments that make me so sad I feel like I can't breath like when I read about the terrible shootings at Sandy Hook school. There are also those moments where I have to remember to breath to forget about it or stop myself from saying something negative...:) but all of these moments shape my life and thoughts so I think its a good word to choose.

So how I am going to remember to think on my word... I decided to have one little journal card in my project life layout a week devoted to my word so I can keep track on any of my thoughts or events that have happened that took my breath away ( ...or made me need to hold it and count to 10.......!!!!!) that way when I look back next year I can hold all of those moments dear and see how they shaped my 2013.

Right got to go, cooking the furball princess some chicken breast for her kong toy and need to umpf myself into making some lunch for work too!!
Have a fabulous friday everyone
huge hugs Lou xxx