
Sunday, 23 June 2013

A Giant Cake make!!

Afternoon Peeps!!

I thought my little blog looked a bit lonely today so i decided to post a little LOTV make!

I love this stamp, Giant Cake, its just sooooo sweet and it is perfect for a Grandma card too. I love it when I really enjoy pootling along making a crd, its just so relaxing. I even got my flowery corners right first time on this one which is a miracle as I normally get them all wrong and end up doing it a million times!!! its an 8x8 card so plenty of room to splodge out on bits to add too!!!

All my boys are outside playing at the minute and its awesome listening to Mo giggles while  Ryan and Scott are busy playing tennis with him!! that's the best kind of day ever for me. poppy is trying her best to nibble quietly on a fir cone and trying to hide the fact she is doing it from me by turning her back on me whenever I ask her what she has got, cheeky furball princess!! Tea is in the slow cooker so I can just relax a bit. I need to go have a snooze really as I am at work tonight so I might schoochy off up there now while they are all busy doing buy stuff!!!

thank you for popping in on me
Huge hugs Lou xxx