
Friday, 28 February 2014

a bloggy question answered!!!

Hi everyone!

I got a little question through in my emails this morning about my blog layout so I thought I would answer it on here instead incase anyone else has ever wondered about it.

So, the question was...

"Lou, can you share with me how you get your pictures so big on your blog. mine are all squished into the middle section on mine and there is a lot of space down the sides but if I make my pictures bigger they go over the side bars which looks messy. What can i do to change that out?"

ok, so the answer really very much depends on your blog template. So, lets womble through this together peeps!

OK, go to your blog and select 'Design' on the top right hand side. Then look down the left hand side and choose the 'Template' choice ( it has a little paint roller next to it). 

You will then see lots of different pictures of layouts for your blog. Mine is set on a 'Simple' layout, so we will go with that for these waffles!! 

When you click on your selection you should then see a few options down the side where you can click on options to change the bits on your blog. This is what mine looks like when I go to those settings. ( I have chosen the 'adjust widths' setting for this piccy so you can see the widths that mine is set at....

and this is what it looks like on mine when I select the 'Layout' option...

So onto photographs!! I resize all my photographs of my cards in paintshop. I do them at 72 dpi with the longest side of my crop to be 600 pixels. That way I can upload them to my blog and then click on 'original size' which makes them pop up nice and bog for peeking at. Doing them this way means I can get a lovely big picture on my blog but still have the pages loading quickly as they are not chug chug chugging along trying to load a massive file.

Phew! wafflies over!! hope it helped someone!!

HUge hugs Lou xxx

Family Minty Madness!!!

Good Morning everyone!!!

Its that time of month again for our 'Forgotten Funkies' showcase over on the Get Funky and Craft blog !!! each month our fabulous Funkette's are our blog showing off some new makes with our older downloads. 
Minty Madness downloadable craft paper
Today's showcase is centered all around the gorgeously fresh 'Minty Madness' download. Just look at these stunning papers, they are too good to be forgotten!!!

I got busy with my digital project life templates for this one, I always forget that digital scrapbooking is so much fun and so easy to compile together too. I added some of the gorgeous stars and alpha's from the download into the journalling squares too. This make was drag and drop heaven and I love how it came out! digital pages are like instant gratification!! he he he he!!!

Well, I had better get going. Scott is at work and Mo and I need to take him as Mo has an appointment with his 'tummy doctor' today.

Have a fabulous friday gorgeous peeps,
huge hugs Lou xxx