
Friday, 27 March 2015

Super Kid........

I'm back! lol!!

But there was no way I could sit on my Tiddly Inks Fab friday card!! this little super guy is just way too cute and with all the Avengers and super hero play going on out there I just had to use this one for a little birthday card!!!

Well, its the end of term for my lil guy today and I cannot wait! we have homework celebration assembly to pop in to this morning and then come 3:30pm it will be full on family time!! I love it!! and we get a whole 2 weeks this holiday too!!!!

Right, off to get some brekkie, been up since 4:44am after zonking out with Mo last night and waking up at 10:20pm...oooops! 

Have a super duper day everyone
Huge hugs Lou xxx

Book Club...

Image- Book Club.

Morning everyone!

Today the Saturated Canaries are starting our next image showcase challenge over on our Saturated Canary Facebook page

And its a super duper one this time! we just want to see where your creativity takes you so its...
Anything Goes with Flower Power!.

You can make any creation you like be it card, scrap page, an altered something, smash book/journal page etc...just let your creativity go!

The prize, as always, will be 2 digital images of your choice from the shop and the rules are super simple too..

* you can enter ONLY ONCE
( this makes it fair for everyone )

* you can enter with any NEW and FINISHED creation but...IT MUST BE HANDCRAFTED
(digital colouring of Krista's images is not permitted in accordance to TOU's)

I just had to have a play with Book Club for my make, she is so cute and very much like me!!!

I made a few flowers out of old book pages to match in the book theme and gave them a random squirt with some blue glitter spray.

Thank you for popping in hugs Lou xx