
Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Ellie says Happy Birthday....

Morning everyone!!

I am popping in today with my Tiddly Tuesday make! I have always been a firm fan of my Tiddly Tuesday make. Its so special for me to have a day to dedicate to sharing one of these stunning little characters from Christy every week. It's a MASSIVE honor for me to be one of the rocking chair members of the DT and I adore every image just as I have from the start so time to pootle along on a little make with them is always soul healing and I soooo needed that on sunday because I felt soooo sick with chemo treatment.

I have been getting out my clear stamp versions of Tiddly Inks recently. I love that there are some gorgeous new ones out now, oh my gosh, they are all too awesome!! I can't wait to add them to my draw of Tiddly Inks stamps...yup...I have loads but seriously, who could resist some Christy Croll cuteness????? 

I paper pieced Ellie's hat, dress and shoes so they all matched...too cute!!! and then popped her up on some foam on the front of the card base so she stood out a little. I have a thing for sequins at the minute too. Knowing where to place them is a bit hit and miss but they do have a party kinda feel about them.

Last night I managed a little time sat outside to play with Mo and my BF. I knew I was kinda tired from chemo but the fresh air and a raspberry slush puppie from the ice cream man was way too alluring for this chicka!! but when it was time to come in, the funny stuff started!! ......picture a wobbly legged. blue tongued bald chick trying to walk the 10 metres to her front door from the kerb where she had been chillaxin!!! oh my, it was hilarious!!! My left leg gave way to the jelly feeling totally and my right leg wasn't that much better!! Poor Scott and BF had to support me along the path and then I crawled into the house!! bwah ha ha ha!!! oh peeps!! this chemo stuff is giving me some hilarious new experiences in life!!!

Today I am feeling ok, still very sore joints from my white blood cell injections but not so wibbly wobbly so thats a plus sign!! and on my desk...I have Top Secret colouring that I am sooooo excited I might burst about but I have to keep my mouth zipped for a few more days!! oh my gosh....soooo exciting!! 

Thank you for popping in and looking at a Lou waffling on!! huge hugs for you all xxxx