
Sunday, 5 November 2017

Geeky Rascal Box Sleigh....

Chipboard word- Wishes 3" from MIC.
Evening all!!

I'm just sat here in my little crafty room watching all the fireworks go off around our house from various neighbours around the estate and I thought I would share my DT make for the wonderful new Make it Crafty 'GLOW' colouring challenge.

It's so nice to see the colouring challenge back in action again. I love how it stretches those colouring goals! and this one was no easy one for me!! It kinda dragged me kicking and screaming out of my colouring skills zone but I made it in the end! my first go was hilarious and my little dude looked like he was busting right out of a firework or explosion!!! bwah ha ha ha!! 

And off course, those gorgeous Mini pack 'wonderland' 6x6 from the ribbon girl and a good old splish of White cheesecloth for snow finished it off quite perfectly. I do love a super fun card make.

Right, I am off to get some toast for tea and take my aspirin tablet. I am now on control week 2 of the Add Aspirin trial for my hospital. I think I am doing ok with the aspirin so far. I have had to start taking my omeprazole again because it makes me feel a little bit fuzzy like indigestion and I am keeping a mega good eye on me to make sure my tummy is ok. I am so happy to at least try to help out and give a little back in the name of research to see if aspirin could help prevent/slow down the return of some cancers for people. I know it's only a teeny thing to do but it's a something.

Thank you for popping in on me, hugs Lou xxx