
Friday, 23 July 2010

Vamp boto meets funkyhand!!! lol!!!

Hello everyone, I'm back!!
Awwwww, I love my little Vamp boto digi from Tiddly Inks!!!!!! and once I had coloured him up I knew where to find the perfect paper to go with him, on my luscious and sparkly new colour me happy papercraft factory from funkyhand!!!!!!

Now you may laugh at me but I have been itching to get my hands on my colour me happy since I first saw a sneaky peek of a card made with it that had this ginghammy patterned paper on it, I love it and I was even more chuffed when I had coloured in my little vamp boto ( he is just the cutest!! I love all my Tiddlies but mo's face when I do one of the robot ones lights up!! he adores them!!)

I made a little side step card for him and his little roboty bat to live on. I cut a couple of gravestones out with my cricut and inked them up with my almost dead chalk pad ( anice would be proud, the little foam pad on it is flaking away but it still has a little life left in for dulling down freshly cut edges!!! lol!!) I wrote my sentiment on the littlest one with a white gel pen.

Then a bit of drippy gooing from martha ( big thanks to christy from Tiddly inks for a halloween theme on the blog hop as my drippy goo martha has seen plenty of action!!!!) with a bit more inking and a little bit of thin black satin ribbon with another skull snipped out from my skully cupcake paper.

Well, my gorgeous little man did awesome on his 'bike without stabilisers practice' today. We went out first thing this morning for a go and he got himself into his normal petrified state, luckily my mum came and cheered him up by bringing him his favourite treats, ooodles of fruit!!! (pears, oranges,apples, peaches,nectarines and bananas!!!) and as if the wasn't exciting enough, she bought us a cabbage that had a caterpillar on it too!! omg!!! he was sooo excited. (said caterpillar is now living in a spacious jam jar with a huge cabbage leaf with net over the top and is called 'greeney' "because he is green and caterpillary" says mo!!!! lol!!!) After all that and a yummy roast chicken dinner he was ready to try again!!! He went out all brave and hatted up, walked his bike round to the field near our house "because there is grass both sides for when i am falling off and need soft mummy" anyway here is a piccy of my little hero having a super duper ride without his stabilisers, I am sooo proud.


He was super elated with himself and has gone to bed so happy!!!! awwwwwww (and yes thats me in the background with my arms going up ready to cheer away!!!)

Right off to watch a film with scott now.

Big hugs

Lou xxxx


  1. Hi Lou, fabulous card and I can understand why you love that paper its gorgeous. and such a fun card.
    I can understand why you are so pleased to see your gorgeous boy without his stabilizer, mine took forever, I didnt think he would ever do it, and its so back breaking running beside them.
    hope you have a happy weekend lots of hugs chris xx

  2. Lou, this card totally ROCKS major BIG TIME. The Side step is perfect for the tombstones and love the sentiment and your VampBoto is just too cute. I'm ordering the Color Me Happy, as I love this paper too.

    As for Mo, tell him I said he totally Rocks too with riding his bike without stabilizers. WAY TO GOOOOOOOO, MO!

  3. Hi Lou, sorry not been by lately i'm having computer problems, damn thing won't let me sign in so have had to pinch one of the boys while they are out. Really enjoying playing catch up tho, your cards are amazing, I just adore stair step cards and you do them so beautifully. I really love the vamp boto on this card perfect for halloween. Congrats to little Mo for his accomplishments on his bike, awesome job Mo!

    Kaye x

  4. Wicked card x And your son looks soooo proud x Leigh x


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