
Sunday, 8 April 2012

Happy Easter to all xxxx

Good Morning Peeps!

I have so very much to be thankful for this easter. I have an awesome husband and son, I have an awesome family and friends.

I am very blessed to have a son who loves doing anything to do with animals/natural play. I love that about him. I love that I have a garden full of huge tree branches he has dragged home to make dens and play with his little plastic soldiers on, I love that he rescued an old tyre too and I giggled so much as he and daddy rolled it home for half a mile down the field path!! I love that he came home from Christopher's with a pocketful of sheep wool that is treasure because some is purple ( ...from the marking spray!)

I am sending my love to you all today with this little piccy of Mo feeding lambrini the lamb her milk! He had the biggest grin on his face all the way through, he really loved feeding that lamb! 
We had such a lovely time with my god father yesterday looking at all the little lambs and sheep and Mo loved it. He was a little nervous to feed the horses but so very happy about feeding one lamb and getting to hold another one ( ..which we didn't get a piccy of as daddy had to get the lamb when 2 cheeky mummy sheep escaped from one pen and the baby lamb from another!! Mo LOVED that!!!) 

Mo's favourite lamb of all was this cheeky little one that Scott spotted tucked up quite happily in a basket in one of the stables!! When Mo saw it he loved it and this little lamby was the last thing on his mind as he fell asleep. He said to me as he was dropping off to sleep...

“mumma please tell Krista about the face thingy so Philly can see it tonight because its his daytime when its my sleepytime, I think Philly will like the lamby in a basket one best”

the 'face thingy' is my facebook!! but this cute little lamb was way too cute not to share with all of you guys too!!!
I love having a hubby who takes fabby pictures for our little man to remember things he has done and I am just so blessed that I can enjoy all of these beautiful journeys with my family.

On that note, if you all have a little time today, please could you pop in in Adie's blog. Adie  is one of our parents from the nursery where I work. His gorgeous daughter has since left our nursery to go to big girl school but Adie began a battle with MND at the same time and his blog is a huge inspiration to me and how they are all coping with the changes is awesome. Please pop in and wish him happy easter for me because I know he would love to know you have peeked in on him.

Have an awesome easter everyone, I am off to set out an egg hunt for Mo now...we will be doing this all day because he loves it!! we put clues in plastic eggs, one clue leads to the next and his giggles at finding them are so amazing we don't mind how many times we do it!! choccies will be nibbled and we will all be together having fun, what could be better?!

Huge chocolatey hugs Lou xxxxx


  1. AWWWWWWW!!!!!!! Thanks for making me smile. Sending you all a giant hug. :)

  2. He is seriously the sweetest!! I love the fact that he is so tender-hearted. What a nice thing for a boy to have- a sweet heart! I was very busy today and am just hopping around now on the net-- and Philly is in bed now-- but I am gonna show him the lamb before church tomorrow morning!! That is just too cute what he said:).

    We will have to get these boys together someday!!!:)...

    Have a fantastic family-filled Easter, sweetie! Love ya!:)


  3. Hi! Happy Easter to you all,
    hope you have a lovely day,gorgeous photos Lou and a lovely post to read :)))))hugs Lou.xxxx

  4. Oh Lou what a lovely photo of your little one and that photo of the gorgeous Lamb in the bowl How lovely .Hugs Elaine Enjoy your Easter Hugs Elaine

  5. Thank you so much Lou for sharing your memories of a very special day ! The little lamb is so so sweet in its little basket ! Have a wonderful Easter Sweetie ! Hugs, blessings and love from Catherine

  6. Awww how adorable!! Sounds like you had such a fun day :) Happy Easter!

  7. what a lovely post Lou and such happy times and memories...

    Happy Easter to you and yours

    Paula x x x x

  8. Oh so cuuuuute shots !
    Happy Easter !

  9. Hello Lou! :) Just found your blog, just wanted to tell you how much I adore your cards! They're lovely, and your colouring is absolutely divine :) You are an amazingly talented crafter! :)

    Happy Easter! :) The picture is lovely :)


  10. What a gorgeous post Lou. Bless little Mo, he is THE most adorable little boy.

    Hope you've had a wonderful day.

  11. Oh Mo is so stinkin' cute and that lamb oh my goodness how sweet! Mo sounds like the sweetest little boy! Love it:)


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