
Saturday, 17 November 2012

On my soap box.....:)

Image- Nikki from Saturated Canary.
( she is a special digi for Tiet's Club)
Morning Peeps!!
Its been a busy 2 days for me with work and a Little Mo to scoot around after but last night (in between dozing off several times....!!) I treated myself to a little bit of colouring time and coloured up the digi that Krista made especially for Tiet's club.

I knew just where I wanted to pop her too. Do you ever get so caught up in making bits for everyone else that you forget to make a bit of something for yourself?! well, I totally do!! and last night I decided it was time to make a bit of something just for me!

On payday last month I treated myself to a gorgeous gingerbread soap from my friend Kelly's shop. It came in this stunning little heart window pillowbox and was just screaming to be decorated so I just had to go for it last night!!

So Nikki got coloured up and the box got decorated with some teeny snowflakes from the Memory box Crystalline border die. I added a squidge of blue lace and a couple of little bells tied on with thread to the top and ooooh what a little treat all for me!!! :)

I also bought Little Mo a soap for his birthday which is coming up soon.....However...dopey mummy didn't hide it well enough...!! When I was little my mum always used to buy us a soap on a rope from avon for christmas and the soap present near christmas has always stuck with me as one of our christmas traditions.
I had put it on the kitchen side and covered it with a tea towel so I remembered to go hide it....and then forgot!!!

I came down one morning a couple of weeks ago to find a very busy Little Mo writing a letter, this is how the conversation went... 

Mo- " Mumma is Kelly spelt with a kicking K or a curly C?"
Mummy- " its a kicking K poppet, why?"
Mo- " I am just writing Kelly a thank you letter for my reindeer soap, I found it in the kitchen this morning and I love it, Look Mumma,its got real reindeers in and it smells like christmas"

....well, I couldn't help but melt! Here's his little letter...
and here's his soap, the piccy is Kelly's shop piccy but its too cute not to share....
I am popping my little soap box over on the Its a gift challenge on the Allsorts challenge blog.
so thats me for today peeps!! I hope you all have awesome weekends planned.
Thank you for popping in on me
Huge hugs Lou xxxxx


  1. Wow Lou loving the recycled box and the gorgeous image,it is hard hiding presents and the same sort of thing as happened in my house before now and I am sure it is getting harder now they are older lol.
    louise xx

  2. Omg, Lou, this is amazing! Great Christmas gift idea! :-)

  3. Ah, this is just such a cute tale! I think Mo is a very terrific kid. We had a tradition like that too, I always got bubble bath sets during Christmas. I loved it!

  4. What a delicious little box Lou ! Mo is so sweet ! You are so lucky to have such a wonderful little boy ! By the way, does the gingerbread soap smell like gingerbread ? Hugs, blessings and love from Catherine

  5. oooh! that box looks fab, so does your clever crafting - and so does the soap!

  6. What a gorgeous little box I love how you've decorated it. Caroline xxx

  7. Hi! really gorgeous Lou,that image is so sweet and love the colours/pretty detail too.Oh that's cute of Mo,lovely letter :) and great soaps.
    Have a lovely weekend,
    hugs Lou.xx

  8. Lou love your decorated soap box, that Krista image you rocked with color, oh my, and Mo TU is precious, he is a keeper, hugs

  9. So cute, every time I see your projects they make me want to play at colouring in. The soap looks fab and little Mo sounds cute as a button too xx

  10. Oh Lou this is simply gorgeous hun.
    Adorable image and I love the wee snowflakes.
    Enjoy the rest of the weekend.
    Debs xx

    ps Thanks for sharing it with us at Allsorts - good luck xx

  11. Oh gosh Lou that is the cutest soap I think I may just have to get one of those and what a wonderful note from MO! Love what you did with the soap box too superb work! Hugs rebekah xx

  12. so stunning lou and gingerbread soap sounds lush, i love handmade soaps too.bless little mo for his letter, he is a little star :D

    xx coops xx

  13. This is awesome sweetie I soooooooo want this image.
    Your Mo really makes me smile sweetie he reminds me of my 2 boys when they were little, enjoy it hun cus you miss it when they grow up. I'm as proud as punch of my kids but boy do I miss em being little. Altho I brought them up with plenty of hugs just like you do with Mo & even now as old as they are I still get all my daily hugs.....its the most fantastic feeling hun.

    Actually I'm gonna tell you a story....this will help you sleep lol. From the kids being born we have always given bedtime hugs & snuggles & said 'See you in the monring, nite, loves yas' we still say it now, only with my eldest its in a text now but even Megan says it to us & she wasnt brought up with a loving family if you get me. Anyway my youngest added on to his when his was young & when we give cuddle we then put our head to each side of the other persons head & say 'Ooble, ooble.... then rub noses & say .......digga digga digga' whilst rubbing noses, it was sooooooo darn cute. Well now my younest is 16 & would you believe we still do that every them as much love as possible hun there is no such thing as too much ever.

    Lotsa hugs Vicky xxx
    Sorry for my boring little story hun but out of all the mommies I knew you would appreciate it the most ;0)

  14. Love your stunning creation!

    Hugs Kim

  15. You have made a lovely box even better. Kellys soaps look like things I need to get to know more about! Mo is the sweetest little lad. I love how he has added his age on the bottom of the letter.
    Anice xx

  16. Ooooh, this is gorgeous - the image and your fantastic project! LOVE love it!

  17. Really like how you decorated your box. This is such a lovely image too.


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