
Sunday, 10 November 2013


Writing by Mo.
Thumbprints by Mo, mummy and Daddy!
Stem and leaf drawn by Mo!
Morning Peeps!

Not a make from me this morning, its a family Daubney collective make this morning!!!

I asked Mo to write a little for me about what he knew of remeberance day, this is what he wrote. Then Mo, Scott and I did our thumbprints in red paint to make the poppy and Mo printed his 'peter pointer' finger for the center. It might just be a little thing and a small family effort but if it helps my 8 yr old to think about all that have been lost to war I am one happy mamma.

So I am sat at my pooter now, Scott has fixed the skirting board in the lounge and is on the changing the tap washers in the bathroom and downstairs loo mode and Mo is constructing a mass train track in his room with his brio. Poppy is fast asleep on the settee.

I had a wonderful day at my little craft stall yesterday and sold a whopping £27 worth of bits for me and £17 for my sister :) I can't tell you how exciting that is for me as it was my first outside with a zillion strangers experience! I won't be doing loads of stalls because i just craft for a hobby and I don't want to get lost in that whole make it a business thing because then it would be no fun but I am so super happy I was brave enough to do it because I had 2 major I am not doing it wobbles whilst I was poorly last week!!!

I am a bucket of snot this morning, along with Scott and Mo who are also buckets of snot (...we are family....its good to share.....!!) and I have a whole load of DT bits to catch up on after a week of no makies but the sun is shining and I am a happy bunny!!

Huge hugs to you all
Lou xxxx


  1. that is definitely one to keep for always and always, good job Mo, hope all of you feel much better for the new week, hugs

  2. This is so special Lou, thanks for sharing.
    I am pleased you enjoyed the craft fair and that you did so well too.
    I hope you and your lovely family enjoy the rest of the weekend
    hugs Sue xx

  3. so touching lou.well done mo, you are one special little guy.

    xx coops xx


One little comment goes a long way!! your special words always make my day :)