
Monday, 21 March 2016

Alphabet Soup.......

Morning all!!

Oh did you see the gorgeous new lil chef's over on the shop??? they are too cute! Now I had a Mistress Mary make to share with you all today originaly but I am ashamed to say she got kicked to the dust for this cutie-  Alphabet Soup (boy). There's a boy and girl version (..because Maurie rocks!!!).

Well......what else can a girl do when she wakes up to way too cute new releases from Da Boss eh??!! I know you all understand!! he he he!!! I so adore Mo's Digital Pencil babies, they are just adorable to colour up.

And here they both are,just click on them to be pinged to their home in the shop!!

Yesterday, The Daubney 3 started off on a new adventure, Geocaching. Oh my gosh! has anyone else done this?? Mo was over the moon! he adored it! finding those little caches and popping his name into the logs was just the best time ever! He even found a couple with little swaps involved, now anybody who knows Mo will know that he adores little treasures. He had read this was a possibility on the site before we set out so found some little gifts of his own just incase he encountered a swap cache so he gladly popped a little green pearl marble in 2 of the caches he found, one for a little blue mouse trap game mouse and one for a little Despicable Me badge! there were other treasures but he didn't want to swap them all becausehe just loved signing the mini logs!!! so much fun, I can highly recommend it even though we walked all day and were tired out, it was fantastic fun.
This was one of his favourite finds from the church micro cache's in our village. I so adore this little guy. I can't wait for the next 4 days of school to zoom by so we can have our easter fun time together during the school holidays.

Thank you for popping in hugs Lou xxx

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