
Monday, 18 April 2016

Baby Fairies...

Papers- MME Be Amazing.
Morning everyone!

I'm in for you today and I could not resist those brand new Baby Fairies! oh my! they were just too cute to pass up on printing and colouring right away!!! and of course! with the new .png files Maurie has been doing, those little baby fairies got merged right onto my fav background of the rustic windowbox.

The 2 fairies I used were Flidais ( the girl baby) and Ennis (the boy baby). I just LOVE them!!! Have you seen them? there are 6 delicious little baby fairies in each set, you won't want to be without them!! here they are...
Squeeeee! aren't they adorable!!! and do you know what? they really are magic because if you click on them, you ping right to where they are in the shop!!!!!

Today I will be relaxing a bit! It's that dreaded time of the month and to top that off, I managed to have an allergic reaction to my new Almond Hershey's Kisses last night! swollen tongue, stinging sore throat and funny breathing! I got a little bit panicky but luckily we have stocks of piriton syrup in for Mo so I had some of that and things quickly calmed down some! what a palava! and I will be avoiding almonds for quite some time...but not chocolate of course!!!

Thank you for popping in on me! I have been a shocking blog visitor lately so please leave me a comment and remind me to visit! I need to sort myself out!!

hugs Lou xxx


  1. Love you cute fairies card, I can see I need those fairies.

  2. Awww... This is adorable Lou ! Love the image ! I am allergic to almonds - to any kind of nut actually - you've got to be careful ! Hugs, blessings and love from Catherine


One little comment goes a long way!! your special words always make my day :)