
Friday, 10 February 2017

LOTV Ballerina....

(I used my trusty rubber stamp, but don't worry, she's in digital format 
now so I linked that in for you all!)
Papers- Carta Bella Rustic Elegance.
Hi everyone!!

I am ful of blooming head cold but I have snapped myself up a little crafty time over the 2 days I've had it so far to make a birthday card for one of my BF's daughter who somehow managed to get to 4 already (....I totally don't know how, she was only born around this time last year right?!!!!!!)

Anywho, she LOVES dancing...ALL THE TIME!! she is so so cute with it too, a proper little groover and she has started dancing classes too so I decided on a good old dancing kinda card!

Her little dancing uniform is royal blue so I decided I would try that colour combo (...never tried it before but I think it came out cute!!). I gave her a glittery little underskirt and ballet pumps and doodlyboppers on her headband but I sooo struggle to get piccies of that so here's an effort at a photo!! ....
Awwwwwww, I do love it. A bit of sparkle never goes amiss does it.

So on the Lou lergy side...! I am having soooo much luck recently!! lol!! I have been diagnosed with Stage 2 Hypertension now too and popped on a low dose of tablet to help try to lower it, the dose might need to go up but they want to start me slow incase impending Nipple Nickers op is not helping with my blood pressure. 

But all will be good in a couple of weeks and for now I am going to soak up all the Little Mo (....he is growing so much I am going to have to change it to medium size Mo soon!!!! though I have been using Little Man so maybe that's the new way?!) It's half term here in Lincolnshire so there are a few PJ mornings and lazy days to be had before my operation day on wednesday!!

Right, time for a bath and pj's for me I think! Thank you for popping in
huge hugs Lou xxxx


  1. What a cute b-day card. She'll love it. I love the sparkly shoes and the number 4.

    Prayers for your surgery and the hypertension.

    Some days it just doesn't pay to get out of your pajamas.

  2. Gorgeous card, Lou, I love how the papers are at an angle and the little dancer is adorable!

    love Mags B x


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