
Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Map Kid.........

Image- Map Kid from Kenny K stamps.
Morning all!!

its gone all quiet in the house, Pancakes have been made and schnaffled up by pancake nappers and the Little Man has gone off on the school run with Daddy so I have got 5 mins before I run myself a puddle of a bath to have a very careful wash in (..oh how I dream of lovely bubbly baths and luxurious soap bars ...alas...not allowed those so puddle of a bath it is!!!).

Yesterday I was beat after a super fun day on sunday ( by beat I mean I woke up and could swear a 10 tonne train had driven into the right hand side of my body in a big way...36 holes of mini golf when you are right handed and just had 3/4 f your right breast removed probably wasn't my best thinking but it was uber fun and totally didn't hurt at the time...!!!!). Scott, who is working from home for a couple of weeks, made me rest....mehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!

So I was wombling around facebook and I saw the Kenny K feb challenge still had a little time to run and I thought ooh perfect!! an escape from the doldrums! so I printed out my Map Kid image and made a card for the Little Man who is going to France on a school trip for the week soon (...........unless mummy can think of a really really good excuse for him not to go!!! bwah ha ha ha!! but he is excited about it so the mummy big girl pants of hiding her fears have been on sonce he brought the letter home....sigh....!!).

I included a few little tags I cut out from the DP stack I used to make the card, I wrote the date he is going on one of them ( know..just to torture myself a little more everytime I look at it!!! bwah ha ha ha ha!!!!).But I do so love this image, it so reminds me of Bation lying in the attic reading the Neverending Story so I inked some clouds on the background of the image mat so the little guy looks like he is travelling off into the book.

Right a bath is calling me. No deodorant or soap for the last 2 weeks is reallllllly beginning to make me feel yuck now!!!!! to the point where you rinse yourself with your flannel and water, being very careful not to drip any water on your dressings and then sniff yourself afterwards and still feel like you smell sweaty!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh well!! hopefully not much longer of this to go! its results day tomorrow at 3:45pm so I am going to ask my consultant a few questions (...mainly when can I use soap and deodorant again and when can I get back to walking dogs please?!!!!!!!).

Huge hugs and thank you's for popping in on me
Lou xxx


  1. Walking dogs? Don't put the leash in your right hand. I can't believe you played 36 holes of mini golf. Why is it when we are feeling a wee bit better we think we can conquer the world? Until the next day! Been there done that and just did it again last week. Ugh! It's hard to stop yourself.

    I love this card. He looks like a dreamer. I loved reading and daydreaming when I was a kid. I still do. There's just not enough time. I'm late I'm late I'm late for a very important date. No time to say hello goodbye I'm late I'm late I'm late.

  2. Ooh I love this Lou! Gorgeous creation hun and fab paper combo! I love the way you brought the legs onto the base piece of paper, very cool look. The clouds too, is that a hint to our kiddos having their 'heads in the clouds'?!! So true of mine!! LOL. Awesome you had a fun day out with Mo, you all will have needed that so much, but sounds like you did a bit much mama, be gentle with yourself yet chickie! Love ya, Wends xoxo

  3. P.S. meant to say too, my kiddos love the Neverending Story and yes, it totally looks like Bastian! Brilliant!! Still think it works for the other reason too, LOL xoxo

  4. Oh this is awesome. Well done. Love the image, your coloring and the embellishments. Great job.

  5. I hope you have rested since your ill-advised (but fun at the time) golf spree, Lou. This is a delightful lovely thoughtful card; beautifully executed and I have just seen that the Kenny K team thought so too, you little hottie! Congrats! Hugs, Lesley


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