Hellloooo everybody!!! I am finally getting round to posting little mo's birthday card for you!! Sorry but it is not a great photo as the card has been held by my little man and is a little squished!! (oh well, at least I know he liked it!!)
He loves Go Diego and here in the UK we don't have too much Diego stuff around so I headed straight for the nickjnr website (the US one has some really cool craft things on it for little guys) and clicked on Go Diego and there were some scrapbooking page downloads (ooooh!!!) so I printed them out on some card and printed a couple of Diego's to layer him up a little ( the rope was fiddly!!!!lol!!!)
Mo is at that age where he loves seeing his name on things so I popped some foam letters on the front and glittered glued them (because he sparkles my life so I felt he needed bling!!)
It is a really simple card but really has been well loved my little man!!!