I have had such a fab day today!!! We took the boys to Old Trafford on a tour of Man Utd football club, they loved it. It was our present to our oldest ds who is 9. Their faces were such a treat during the time we were there!!! along with dh who took soooo many pictures!! I learnt lots of dipy chick things like they have water pipes under the pitch to catch the rainfall and then tis water keeps the pitch warm in the winter!! coool!!!
Anyway, time for a blurble about todays piccies!!!! The top picture is mine and the bottom one is my 4 year old Mo's!!! He so has my crafty bug!! he little drawn circley bit on his is (in his words!!) " a mousey hole for the mouse to hide in when mr. cat gets the nibbles!!!!" He is so funny!! I love the little things that children come out with!! they have a rereshing sense of things and it just keeps me giggling on a daily basis with soe of the things mine come out with!!!
I have been practising my stamping again!!!!!! I know it is still a bit dodgy and splodgy but I really do think I am turning a corner with it after my fab stamping class with ali at alicraft.
The stamp set is a woodware clear stamp set called 'forbes and friends'. I used it at the class went to and fell in love with it so my amazing dh got me it for easter!! ( much better than an egg me thinks.....though the chocolate would be nice right now to cheer me up!!! the evil fluey coldy bug has returned!!!)
The little pas are supposed to look like the cat has wombled all over the page ( ali told me to do that and it looks soooo cute!!!) and I curved the sentiment a bit, ali told me about that too (hey, i am new to stamping so don't know you can move them about!!!!)
I am still practising on the colouring side!!! I promise to get better!!!!
Its hard to see in the piccy but the bit with the cat on stands out little and I glazed the cat and the ball of wool and they look cute in 'real life'!! as the ball of wool is kind of round!!
I keep practising as I have a totally gorgeoues tingla in the bath stamp that I am desperate to use but have promised myself not to touchit until I am worthy!!!!!
So thats me for today I think, time to go for a blog womble to see what everybody has been up to and then bed ready for the easter bunny tommorrow. Mo bought an easter hat to decorate and has marbled some eggs that I cut out from my doodlecharms cart so I will post a piccy if we get it made!
Have a lovely easter everyone and I hope the easter bunny is good to you!! ( i am hoping for a greens and black dark chocolate egg!!!)
Thankyou for popping in xxxxxx