Stamp- Little mermaid Tilda.
Dies- DooHickey club volume 1.
Good Morning everyone!!
How are you all today? I am great. We have had 2 days of fabulous family time at the seaside, the weather was beautiful and despite being a squidge under the weather Mo loved it. We had a scary moment yesterday when he nearly passed out ( when his tummy is bad he really struggles with the pain, his lips went blue and he wobbled over :( ) but he was absolutely fine after a sit down and a drink.
So its time for a new challenge over on the Divas By Design challenge blog and this week its a fabulous one for summertime! its .....
Under the Sea!!
and we are sponsored by Crafty Ribbons.
I couldn't resist but go to my Little Mermaid Tilda for this make. She is just one of my absolute favourite Tilda's ever. I coloured her up with my promarkers and then cut a few of my lovely Doo Hickey club volume 1 under the sea themed dies to go with her!! I adore that set of dies so much!!
The little shell is from our walk on the beach on monday!! well, you've got to get an original bit of under the sea on there! he he he!!!
Here is Mo at the waterpark yesterday. We were all but alone at 9am in the morning! there were just 2 other little children there, they were much younger than Mo and took a great liking to his floaty hoop so he popped them in it and pulled them around the pool. I love that he did that! it was so thoughtful.

Right, off to plod the dog!! its rainy this morning but so lovely because its actually fresh and not muggy!!!
Thank you for popping in
huge hugs Lou xxx