wow, I have had one of those weeks where my feet haven't touched the ground!!!!
I had serious lack of mojo for my mothers day cards until this morning. I had bought my super duper large pop ups with an idea in mind but it just wouldn't go anywhere in my head,(grrrrrrr, hate it when that happens!!)and I got them out and put them away several times this week!!!
Anyway, god must of been smiling on me last night because I woke up witha fab idea to use on of the swirly squares I had seen on my storybook cart for the back of the card and the it all fell into place. All the swirly bits are from the 7 key in various diferent functions and it made it so pretty. I love swirls but have never used them on a card unles it was my divine swirls embossing folder( have a bug for them now and think everything will be swirly for a while!!) I put some doodle dots on them with my white gel pen to jazz them up a little. I also used the birthday girl frame for the bit to write on and kept the middle,just turned it over so I had the contrast of the double sided paper!!! more pearls for this bit too (my mum is very special so she deserves lots of bling!!)
I cut the M U M using my doodletype cart in both shadow and normal, the pink glittery paper is adhesive, its a bit like vinyl but it cuts like a dream with my cricut, I used it for the front too. I cut 4 rectangles in george and embossed 2 with one of my cuttlebug embossing border strips, I can't remember what the folder set is called. I popped little pearls in the centres of the flowers. I did some inking around the recatangles and the card as I love the way it lifts the edges.
I found the verse on the web this morning and it was just so funny I had to use it!!! it is computer generated.
The little sticker is a forever friends one that came free on one of my magazines, (Little Mo chose which one to use, bless him!!!)
The little bits of ribbon on the top of the card and on the outside to tie the card are from my stash, as is the little made with love heart charm ( i love this charm,use it a lot on personal cards!!)
Phew!!! I think I remembered everything!!!!
Today has been gorgeous here, lots of beautiful sunshine. Scott took me and Mo for a womble around my favourite craft shop, Alicraft, in Lincoln and I bought myself a couple of stamps, my favourite being the tilda in the bath stamp!! and I am going to sign myself up for a beginners stamping lesson to learn how to stamp (I am not great at it!!!)
Right I am going to snuggle up with Scott and watch a film now so see you all soon!!! Thankyou for popping by xxxxxx