I was so worried I had lost everything I haven't been feeling particularly crafty so haven't been up to much really.
I did however have to have a play with a side step card tutorial!! I made one for my happy mail friend mich ( not taken a piccy of that one yet!!) one for dad to give to mum for her birthday and mo and i made one together for the lollipop lady who helps us to cross the road. I love his little pictures and he used his wally roller to make tracks for the car!!! I had to tell him how to spell thankyou but he is only 4!!!!!!!! I am super duper pleased he loves to craft with me, its so nice.
heres mine....

Awwwwww!!!!!!! so cute!!! look at his little pictures!!! Awwwwwwww!!!!!right, loads to do and catch up with!!!!!
Thank you for popping in!!!!