Morning all!!
I have had a couple of emails from lovely followers to check I am ok because I haven't blogged much over the last couple of days, firstly I want to say a big thank you to those 2 peeps and how lovely of you to take the time to send me an email xxx
Ok so my lack of weekend bloggying at the moment is due to this cute little guy up there ^and this gorgeous guy down here...
and this furball princess right here......

I am not ashamed in the least to say my crafting world stops at the weekend for these guys and I suck up every little bit of time I have to spend with them because I have been blessed with a truly awesome little family that I adore.
What are you all up to today? we have swimming lessons for Mo, puppy class for poppy and then Mo and I are going on a little sleepover with the children I used to nanny for so its a fun day here!!
huge hugs Lou xxxx