Its Lou in today to share another make for V Funky month using the V Funky original CD ROM.
Todays card just had to be a mom make with the 'Desert Dreams' colourway,it just got that mix of blues and greens that are so much fun to use and a super little 'hello' topper from the extras section just finished this card off gorgeously.
There are 15 stunning colourways to choose from on this CD, fabulous for all occasions and extras such a toppers,I used the 'hello' topper for this one and popped out on some foam for some depth in my card.

please pop in to the V Funky CD ROM page in the shop and check out the gallery of makes the DT have in there already.
Also, all the original CD ROM's are available on the Funky Hand website for just £1.00 each. You can't go wrong with them really!
hugs Lou xx
hugs Lou xx