I have had a busy weekend this weekend!! I am just slowing down now and managing to get a quick blog post in!
Yesterday was my mum's birthday and I made a couple of cards, one for me and scott-that is the tilda one and one for my dad to give her too- that is the Chi one!!!
The light was fading fast when I took my piccies and tilda's piccy looks a little gloomy but hope you can just about see how pretty she is!!!! i got her in a stamp swap a while ago and have been saving her for someone special.
This one below has Chi from Tiddly Inks on it. My mum collects the sweetest oriental girl ornaments and russian dolls so ryan and i covered the oriental side with our cards and mo did russian dolls on his but I totally forgot to ake piccies of the boys cards and they were soooooo cute (.... lou considers stealing them from mum's on wednesday night when me and mo go for tea.....)
Lou xxxx