Image- Nikki from Saturated Canary.
( she is a special digi for Tiet's Club)
Morning Peeps!!
Its been a busy 2 days for me with work and a Little Mo to scoot around after but last night (in between dozing off several times....!!) I treated myself to a little bit of colouring time and coloured up the digi that Krista made especially for Tiet's club.
I knew just where I wanted to pop her too. Do you ever get so caught up in making bits for everyone else that you forget to make a bit of something for yourself?! well, I totally do!! and last night I decided it was time to make a bit of something just for me!
On payday last month I treated myself to a gorgeous gingerbread soap from my friend Kelly's shop. It came in this stunning little heart window pillowbox and was just screaming to be decorated so I just had to go for it last night!!
So Nikki got coloured up and the box got decorated with some teeny snowflakes from the Memory box Crystalline border die. I added a squidge of blue lace and a couple of little bells tied on with thread to the top and ooooh what a little treat all for me!!! :)
I also bought Little Mo a soap for his birthday which is coming up soon.....However...dopey mummy didn't hide it well enough...!! When I was little my mum always used to buy us a soap on a rope from avon for christmas and the soap present near christmas has always stuck with me as one of our christmas traditions.
I had put it on the kitchen side and covered it with a tea towel so I remembered to go hide it....and then forgot!!!
I came down one morning a couple of weeks ago to find a very busy Little Mo writing a letter, this is how the conversation went...
Mo- " Mumma is Kelly spelt with a kicking K or a curly C?"
Mummy- " its a kicking K poppet, why?"
Mo- " I am just writing Kelly a thank you letter for my reindeer soap, I found it in the kitchen this morning and I love it, Look Mumma,its got real reindeers in and it smells like christmas"
....well, I couldn't help but melt! Here's his little letter...

and here's his soap, the piccy is Kelly's shop piccy but its too cute not to share....
I am popping my little soap box over on the Its a gift challenge on the Allsorts challenge blog.
so thats me for today peeps!! I hope you all have awesome weekends planned.
so thats me for today peeps!! I hope you all have awesome weekends planned.
Thank you for popping in on me
Huge hugs Lou xxxxx