Hello everybody, hope you all had a good monday. I had such a nice weekend the thought of work was a bit urghhhh when I woke up this morning!!!!
So todays piccies are of my challenge entry for the april challenge. I am on the just buggin away team which is team 1). I absolutely love these challenges as they are just so much fun, I find it so much easier creating things when there is no pressure and I can just let my mind womble with ideas!! I set the challange this month to use the card function on any cart ( i did this a couple of weeks ago on the UK crafters thread so decided it would be a lovely one for aprils challenge too.) I wanted to do a altered project as I didn't want to make a card again, I wanted to broaden my horizons!!!lol!!! and my BIA has been gathering dust as I get frightened to use it!!! lol!!!!
I worked really hard on this one yesterday. I managed to get the inside ages made in the morning while dh was watching the failed grand prix!! and got the cricut bit cut out ( my big E sometimes disturbs mo at night so i tend not to use it if he is in bed!!)I used the cupcake card key from doodlecharms for this on and used my CDS to stretch it to 6x6, I popped a ribbon on it and attached some bling in the form of the little Anita's gemstones, they are tiny and very gorgeous!!! and made the tag on my computer,the big part of the card is mounted on foam and i stuck the cut out bits straight down onto the cover for a bit of depth, I inked,doodle dotted and stickled the cake before I glazed it.I used cereal boxes covered with paper for the front and back pages and some of my big one paper stack for the inner pages, folded to make pockets for the cards to go in!! the patterns are the same but the colours change. The month journally bits i did on my computer,lots of inking and a few yummy bits of ribbon on the spiney bit!! Phew!!! I think I remembered everything!!
Don't forget to watch this space and I will pop a link to everyones creations on here at the end of the month and members of the cricut mb get to vote for the best team. You should see the amazing things people make.
I really want to get brave enough to use my BIA more, I really should practice more on bigger projects as I struggled a little doing the binding and got some a bit squashy!!! (thankfully I couldn't see it once I had popped the ribbons on.) I want to try a paperbag album next but don't know where to find some nice paper bags in the UK!!!
Anyway, I have waffled on at you all enough so am going to go to bed now!!
Nighty night guys xxxxxxxxx