Tiddly Inks challenge 24?! already?! wow!! but they are just so much fun you can't resist them really!!!!
So this week was so much fun because Christy gave the DT a little ATC (or ACEO) challenge. I can tell you these little guys are just so addictive!! you make one then you get an idea for another and another......lol!!!! so I have 5 in total but I am sharing these 2 today and saving the rest for later in the week (....by which time they may of sat in my craft room and had more added to them!!!! lol!!!) so here's a few more details about the challenge this week...
We are creating ATC cards (some call them ACEOs). These little works of art are 2.5 x 3.5 inches and soooo cute. :)You have until next Monday night at 10 PM CST to link your ATC over on the challenge blog.
Here's a couple of closer piccies of my little cuties!!!

The Tiddly Inkers have made the most awesome little ATC's so go over to the challenge blog and check them out.
And over on the Tiddly Inks PCP group Christy has put this week's freebie stamp , Ellie, on. She is so cute and all ready to go off trick or treating so go join the group and check her out!!!
These cutie creations used....
Martha stewart fine glitter.
Martha stwart drippy goo punch.
Promarkers: skin on Higglety- vanilla and pastel pink. Dress and Patches- honeycomb.Hat/cloak- cool grey 2 and 3. Patches-grass. shoes- cool grey 4.
Frank boto-Skin- leaf green .Top/stripes- Amethyst. Stripes -honeycomb.
black sakura glaze pen for Higglety's polka dot dress and patches.
glossy accents for spidey!!!
I have a bunny rabbit to move now to make some space for the cavity wall insulating workmen today ( oh I am so pleased I have 4 hours at work to escape the noise today!!!!) so I had better get a move on!!
Thank you so much for popping in on me, I love visitors and comments. They really cheer up my day.
Hugs Lou xxxx