stamp- LOTV Baby Christening.
Afternoon Peeps!!
I am flying in a little late this today because its been a busy one!! First I had to take the little guy to the surgery for his blood test. He was so scared last night and all jittery this morning and when we went in he still wasn't sure so he sat on my lap with his toy dog, Dylan (yup, that dog still goes everywhere with us!!!) The nurse explained what she was going to do and he got all teary but sat there as good as gold as she filled up 3 little pots of his blood. He was awesome, I was s proud and the nurse was amazed, she said she didn't think he would do that well and she was so pleased she drew a big smiley face on his dressing. Mo loved that. I took him to the toy shop to spend his pocket money from his nannie's and then we met daddy at McDonald's for lunch and all had a cheeseburger happy meal.
When we got home I had a christening card to make so I got on with that while the little guy rested with a film, he is so into Journey to the centre of the earth and Journey 2 at the minute!!
I love to use LOTV's christening baby for christening cards, its just the most perfect stamp with that beautiful baby and church window and I love it. I coloured it up with my promarkers and layered up a cute little card. Then I added a little personalised oval. Too cute!!
Here's the brave little guy when we came out of the toy shop showing off his dressing with a huge smile drawn onto it by the nurse.....

The next job on our list was a haircut for the little guy as his fringe was getting in his eyes, he was adamant he was only having the fringe cut but luckily his hairdresser is fabulous and she trimmed his fringe and then thinned his hair out so he didn't loose any of the length he loves so its been an all round fab day for him really. Here is a piccy of my best creation yet!!!
Awwww, he's so sweet!! and its so nice to see a little colour back in his cheeks...we just need to work on those huge black rings under his eyes before school next week!!So a fab day all round really!! right got to go and cook spag bol for tea!
thank you for popping in on me! huge hugs Lou xxx