Morning peeps!!
Its Throwback Thursday over on the Tiddly Inks blog, and its my turn to share a creation with us. I used the super cute 3x4 set called Happy Bee Day clear stamps.
and to compliment them just fabulously I used the honey comb paper from the Bugging Out paper set.

So, why did I need to make a sorry card? :( because I am just a total nelly thats why :(
On Monday little Mo took part in his first ever celebration assembly at his new school and spoke about his Lowry picture to an entire hall full of parents. He spoke without having words written on a piece of paper to follow and just freely told them about how he did his picture. He looked at the wall the entire time but for him it was a massive achievement and I was so proud I was all teary.
I took a couple of photo's and came home buzzing that he is doing so well and his teacher is just so wonderful to help him gain so much confidence in the short time she has had him with her.
I carefully edited the photo's to make sure the children's faces were all airbrushed out and then shared the photo's of Mo on my facebook page.
What I didn't think think of doing was airbrushing Mo's teachers face too or asking permission to share the photo's first :( I am so ashamed of myself and so embarassed too :( I was so proud that I turned selfish and just wanted to share my joy.
One of my friends on facebook, who knows Mo's teacher, then went on to tell her that she had seen the photo's, in a nice way and Mo's headteacher said it was a lovely conversation but still that Mo's teacher felt a little strange being on a photo so I said I would remove them from my facebook.
I came home and did it right away.
I am so devastated. I spent yesterday feeling very upset and still fell horrid about it today :( so I made a card to say sorry.
I know it has all made me a lot more aware of facebook now and how people can be so I won't make the same mistake again and I just don't feel my normal happy self at the minute.
Thank you for popping in on me
huge hugs Lou xxx