Stamp set- Everyday Magic.
Morning Peeps!!
I am so excited to share the new release clear stamps from Tiddly Inks with you this morning....I have been counting down the minutes to getting my blog post done this morning until I could see them all in the shop ( ..especially as little Mo and I have been up since 1:30am because he is sick again...grrrrrr!!!!)
I loved every one of these new releases and had so much fun making some bits to show them off to you all. The other gorgeous Tiddly Inkers have been busy too so here's a link to all their blogs if you fancy noseying in on the gorgeousness!!!
I love how much versatility Christy has, we go from the gorgeous Everyday Magic fairy above to some really great steampunky/victorian feeling stamp sets with the Stylish Friends and Grow Old Friends then onto the super cute mini and many friends set....LOVE THEM ALL!! ( to get me that mini and many friends set in my basket so save one for me please guys!!)
Here's a super cute treat bag, I love making these!! here's a link to the tutorial I followed so you can knock up some of your own!
Stamp set- Stylish Friends.
and my last make with them for you is this wooden plaque...
Stamp set- Grow Old Friends.
and so to remind you of all the gorgeous new sets here's some piccies (all linked in to their home in the shop of course...)

Squuuuuuueeeee! I so love them all!! I just need to get me some playtime with the mini and many friends set when Mo is a bit better.
Right time for me to go and sort out this little guy. I need to get his temp down from the 40°C it has been all night and get him drinking a bit more than he is before doing that lovely chore of trying to get through to the Drs surgery to get an appointment....I think they may even have a couple of chairs reserved for our use after all the times we've been just recently. I had a mummy date planned with one of my friends today so I am sad I cannot go but this little guy comes first and he needs major snugglies with mummy! and oh my, this will make you all laugh!!.....
I so love my night time conversations with Mo. Yetsreday evening he had a temp of 38.4 again so I gave him some calpol and he settled off. I went up to check it again at about 10pm and it had gone down a little, the conversation went..
Mummy- "oh mosey pickle why do you keep getting all hot and tempy?"
Sleepy no eyes open Mo replies - " probably because you fart a lot mummy" then rolls over and snuggles into his pillow...
Thank you for popping in on me today!!
huge hugs Lou xxxx and smaller feverish hugs from Mo!!!