Mo and mummy in the gardens at Alton Towers today.
There will be no paper, glue or froo froo in this post today because it is full of the most wonderful and special thing I have ever created.
Happy happy mothers day to my UK ladies. I hope you all have a day full of love with your little peeps. I have several friends whose little peeps or mummy's are in heaven so I want to send you all some extra snuggles today as you think of those dear to you. Huge hugs for you all xxxx
So, us for Mothers Day...we don't do the whole big presents thing, we do family time. Mo's school had a get a gift for mummy sale at school where they took £1 and chose a gift. I got a beautifully wrapped candle, I love it.
He made me love hearts shaped crumpets and a cup of tea and brought them up to me in bed (well...actually he gave the cup of tea to Scott to bring up because he is terrified of hot things!!)
Then we all jumped in the car and drove down to Alton Towers ( we love our Merlin cards we bought last year with our PPI pennies that came, best buy ever!!) and had a wonderful time exploring the gardens there. If you haven't ever been the gardens at Alton Towers are just stunning. Scott got on a couple of the roller coasters he loves and Mo and I plodded off into the greenery and explored whilst Scott was off thrill seeking! Mo LOVES gardens just like me so it was fabulous...
There are huge stones for climbing on and jumping off....or just being a little poser to indulge your mummy.....
We had lunch and then headed home. I am not at work tonight so its a lovely chilled feeling in our house this afternoon.
Mo and I made a heart with our fingers this morning...

Thank you for popping in
Huge hugs Lou xxx