Morning Peeps!!
well, I didn'y get chance to blog yesterday because my house was a flurry of halloween activity with these 2 little spookables below.......

The top piccy is Scott,Mo and I!!! and my 2 spookables are of course Mo and Boo. I couldn't believe it when Mo chose the spooky clown outfit! argghhhhh!! I don't do clowns!! but being a good mamma I let him go with what he fancied.
Then it came to painting the faces and Boo decided she wanted to be a dead fairy.....!! my big sis didn't recognise her own daughter when she arrived last night ready for our trick o treating walk!!
Here's our pumpkins all lit up.....
And outside was tough to take a piccy of this year as our street lamp is out but there was a big hanging spider and his legs were all attached to the poles making a kinda leggy canopy for the little peeps to walk through...
I love the fun of halloween and Mo...oh my gosh...he picked up mamma's halloween genes because he adores it! he got so excited and he was tired out when he went to bed last night! he was asleep as soon as his little head touched the pillow...I was the same at 9pm!!!!
I also really enjoyed seeing a few of my little nursery peeps whilst we were walking, its so lovely to be able to share in their excited moments and I am lucky to have several of them living on the estate that I live on too so that was an extra treat for me...they even recognised me in my spookable skeleton outfit!!!
Right, I need to shake myself into action for work!!! I'll catch up with you all when I get home from work tonight!