Image- Scooting By.
It's time for another fun challenge over on the Tiddly Inks Challenge Blog and it's time get travelling!!! the Tiddly Inkers want you to think.....
Road Trip!
So think images with a travel theme/journeys/fun times
(**remember...We love to see any new creation, a card, 3D project, journal page etc
but you must use a Tiddly Inks stamp or image **)
I had 3 images in my pile to choose from for this challenge but who can resist a bit of Wryn Scooting By? not me that's for sure!!!! and her little pawsy pal on the back there in goggles just clinched the deal!! sooooo cute!!!
Today Mo and I have 'I'm not sure what' in store for us (....we are currently sat in pj's and thinking about breakfast!!!). I am most enjoying the no school run and rush around and just chilleroo, it feels soooo good!!! and Mo really needed it, he was so tired after the school pantomime and then his trip to France and was most ready for some book reading chilling out playing with his friends days!
Yesterday we were outside almost all day!! We went for a walk in the morning to pick up my Zoladex injection for next thursday and OH MY GOODNESS!!! when the pharmacist handed me the box I was kinda screaming inside in silence!! it looks so big!! but my aunty assures me its just a teeny little implant the size of a hamma bead in there so I am thinking its just like crafting right?!!!

Then we played outside, only really coming in for dinner and then straight back out. Mo loved it but was as grumpy as your bum on a hot metal slide by the end of the day!! he he he!!!
And huge thanks to the lovely Bunny who suggested Mo and Scott might like a plait of my hair before its all shaved off. I told them about it and they loved the idea so I ordered these teeny elastics to make some teeny plaits for them.

Right, I'm off to the teapot to get another lovely cup of tea. My arm is quite sore still this morning so I think I must need another brew!!!!!
Huge hugs and thank you's for popping in, Lou xxxx