I thought I would share a piccy (....or 2) of the front of our little house and my little mo potter!!!!! oh and not forgetting the hound of hell ( our dog Zaky!!!)
Mo is so excited as he has some little friends coming over this evening to go trick or treating with him, he actually got up at 5am this morning and announced that he was ready to go!!!
Inside our living room we have lots of webs and spiders and a couple of wall pictures that mo likes. We all dress up and go out trick or treating, only calling on houses with pumpkins outside though. I have taught both my boys that if people don't have a pumpkin outside they probably don't want little people on their doorsteps and it is a little message that they have both taken on board really nicely. I am sure in my small little way people who don't do halloween like I do appreciate a little bit of peace from such a simple lesson from me to my little monsters!!!
Right on with the roast sunday lunch for me!! my clocks say clock change day but my tummy says "feed me,its been hours already!!!!" so I am off to finish off my gravy whilst the veggies cook and then we are going to have a lovely roast chicken dinner.
My mum and dad are making hot dogs for the little people tonight to warm them up before they go out spooking!!!!
Hugs Lou xxxx