Hiyah peeps! here's a quick low down on how our week has been so far.....
Mo was a bit poorly on tuesday night while I was at work so scott was up all night with him... Mo was ok ish wednesday but kept saying he had a sore tummy... on wednesday night he got the bump on his left eye in the piccies above after being sick at 2am ( after seeing the out of hours Dr and being sent back home as he hadn't been vomitting....!!). And so the bump...he got that when he banged into his bedroom wall and left this mark on the wall......

Scott and I moved his bed a few nights ago so that he had lots of room to play on his bedroom floor during the holidays! he must of forgotten after being so sick and he went back into his room and plomped forwards into what he though was bed...only it wasn't there so he hit the wall instead. I actually think I cried more than him, bad mamma!! as you can see, poppy gave him a good check over the morning after to make sure he was ok!!!
Anywhoo, thursday night we spent in A&E after Mo woke up in terrible tummy pain and vomitting again...

Lots of pain meds and prodding and poking later and he was sent home with what the Dr felt was a undescended testicle causing him great pain and could we visit the GP to get a referral for a scan of his groin.
Friday....after a snooze Mo was in pain all morning and worse by the afternoon but we had a DR appointment so we went to that and she sent him straight up to the hospital. He was in terrible pain :( he wasn't allowed to eat or drink and had to have oodles of pain relief ( scott and I almost passed out at the amount of ibuprofen in the syringe...) but by 8:45pm he was like this....

its hard to see the icky horrible colour he was in this photo as the lights were off on the ward, but it broke my heart to see him like this. The complete breaker was when he had to have blood taken from his hand, oh my, that was bad, he was terrified and really screamed the treatment room down, it took 20 mins to do it.
He was his normal Mo self throughout though and when the DR asked him what his pain felt like when it was bad Mo replied...
" like crocodiles are eating me"
He slept well though and on saturday morning he wanted to write a status update on my Ipad for the friends who had been asking after him. He wrote...
I had a good sleepies. Yesterday they takes some blood out my body out my hand and that was horrible and I really cried. The Dr says my winkleberry (testicle!) is ok but I have poorly limnods (lymph nodes) in my bottom tummy (groin). I hope they let me try some breakfasts today ( no food allowed yesterday,just a little soup at bedtime) I think I need some nibbles of something and daddy will come back to see me soon love mo xxxxxxxxxx
after 5 Drs crowded round his bed, poked and prodded and totally freaked him out, being told he has swollen lymph nodes in his left groin area but there was nothing they could do surgically so we were allowed home as long as we return to the Dr as soon as he has anymore bad pain. He was tired and cranky but fairly well yesterday but picked up around 6pm and did not want to miss Grandad's retirement meal so this piccy below is pretty much how he spent the meal after managing to eat a little bit...
As I type he is out with Daddy collecting sticks so I think he is ok today. He has had one lot of calpol so seems to be doing ok with pain today so I hope that continues until his pediatric appointment in september!!! I hope you all had a calmer weekend than me!!
I am going to sleep soooo well tonight!!!!
huge hugs Lou xxxxx