I am an extremely lucky mummy in that I work where my little boy goes to nursery. For the first time in a very long time we have had snow that you can actually play in in the UK, don't get me wrong, we do get a little snow from time to time but this time it was real, fluffy, play out for ages and make snowmen snow!!!
Yesterday the children were so excited we threw all ideas of what we had planned away and went outside!! wooo hooo!!! I am so pleased I got to experience this with Mo.
He was having a lovely time playing with all his little friends and it was so much fun for the grown ups too!!! snowballs were flying everywhere!!
My manager had her camera to take pictures for the parents and clicked this one of me and Mo and I love it.One of my lovely friends at work emailed this to me tonight, I had seen it but only tiny so I was so pleased to recieve it.
Anyone who knows me will tell you that I don't do photo's of me unless I am forced so this is such a treasure for me to have and I wanted to share it with you all.