Hello everybody!!!
Well I had a lovely couple of surprises over the weekend and recieved 2 blog awards!!! I want to say thankyou to Chrissy and Stephann for making my day when I saw I had these!!
Stephann sent me this one:

Here are the RULES for this AWARD:
1. Thank the person who nominated you for this award.
2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
3. Link to the person who nominated you for this award.
4. Name 7 things about yourself that people might find interesting.
5. Nominate 7 Kreativ Bloggers.
6. Post links to 7 blogs you nominate.
7. Leave a comment on each of the blogs, letting them know they have been nominated.This is the hard part naming 7 things about myself people might find interesting, errrr, I am not actually that interesting but here goes!!:
1. I love ironing and iron almost everything!!
2. I have a notebook and pen by the side of my bed because I quite often get ideas for cards in the night!! (I am not a good sleeper!!)
3. I love to read nd can get through a book in a couple of nights.
4. I love socks!! I have so many pairs my drawers don't shut but there is no better present for me than socks!!
5. I had a crush on my husband from the age of 11 but didn't actually date him until I was 26!! felt like all my christmas' came at once with our first kiss!!
6. I am terribly shy when face to face but ok in cyberspace!!
7. I have only just learnt how to stamp!!
So here are my 7 nominees!!
Cindy lou @ http://craftymouse.blogspot.com/
Christy @ http://christywallace84.blogspot.com/
Jennifer @ http://scrapbookgoddess.blogspot.com/
And this one is from Chrissy and I have to pass this on to 5 blogs that make me smile!!
So I am passing this on to:

Enfys @ http://going-buggy.blogspot.com/
Sally-ann @ http://grab-a-doodle-do.blogspot.com/
Phew!!! that took me a while!!!!!!! There are sooo many I love so I wis I had 100 or so awards to go around everyone!!!
I have to go and sort out sunday tea now so I will notify everybody I have nominated when I am full of tea!!!!!
bye for now, thanks for popping in xxxxx