I have had such a fun day with my little man today.
First we made a couple of pumpkins, Mo chose jack from 'the nightmare before christmas' for his and I decided I needed a spider ( not sure why because I am petrified of the real thing!!!!).
Then we went to the cinema to watch 'cats and dogs 2'. Mo loved it!!
Mo and I are picking up a bit now from our fluey bug though Mo is still waking at 4:30am all snuffled up!!
I am really looking forward to tomorrow as I have my gorgeous niece and nephew for the day. Mo has been excited about it for a few weeks now so we are going to have oodles of halloweeny fun! we have choccy apples to make, more pumpkins to carve and some birthday cards to make for my big sis whose birthday is on saturday.
Right, I am off for a cuppa and to try and nibble a little of Scott's massive pizza!!!!
hugs Lou xxxx