Morning everyone!
I'm pootling onto my blog this morning with a kinda sad for me, yet happy post! After years of supplying us with stunning images, Kenny K stamps is closing down. That's the sad bit. The happy bit is that Kenny and Elena are closing to focus on Kenny's new work and their gorgeous little family, what could be a better reason to take a step back? and to thank everyone for supporting them for so many years they are having the best blow out sale I have seen!!
So, the sale is too good to miss! all digital images are just $1 and the clear stamp sets are $3.99!! wowzers right?!!! (all discounts are applied at checkout) so quick! go get them before its too late! the shop closes on Friday June 30th.
I started my love of Kenny K images all the way back in 2010 with Christmas Hottie and Racy Roxie but my absolute favourites are the stunning steampunk images, oooooh I do so love those! and I have been so super blessed to of been GDT for Elena since May this year and to be with them on their last weeks open means so much to me. I feel very honored.
My card today features Brianna Blaster and Col.Macallon. They just go so cool together so a bit of merging fun just had to be had! I am so pleased I have these cuties to stay in my digital image collection forever. Thank you so much Kenny and Elena xxx
well I've had a doozy whoozy of a week with Picc Line problems!! The line had gotten itself a little too far into my heart which made me feel really unwell, taking a breath was so hard and painful so off to A&E I went. It was a mammoth day! 2 ECG's, chest x-ray, a cannula in my finger, full bloods, pain medication, CT scan with another cannula expertly put into a very nervous me in the scan room, PICC line pulled out by 3cms due to it sitting in my heart, PICC line redressed and cannulas removed and sent home all in 6 hours.

And it was ok then.....until I had to go and get it flushed on the medical day unit ( I have to get it flushed weekly with saline and heparin to stop it blocking up). Somewhere in the flushing and redressing the line managed to move back in and by thursday night I was feeling rough again. Luckily my fabulous oncology team had already rung and asked me to go back in for a check up xray so off we went yesterday to get that done! once the results came back my chemo nurses (who I blooming adore, they just rock, like seriously rock) told me that it had slipped back in again and was making me poorly again so they needed to move it out some more. They went to see my consultant who showed them where it was and where it needed to be and they taped it down twice for good measure!! and then re dressed me so I am feeling much better again today!!
What a palava!! he he he!!! right, I'm off to see my grandad today for a couple of hours so I best get my booty moving! thank you for popping in on me! huge hugs, Lou xxxxx