Hello everyone!!!
I have had the most super day!! I went to my first ever crafty club!! yey me!!! Anyone who knows me personally will know I have a bit of a nervous thing and struggle to get myself to go for things but my amazing DH Scott told me that I needed to do some things for me so when ali said they were having a crafty club I signed up!!!
Today we made tag books. I have made mini tag books before and other kinds of tag books bt i have never really embellied up the pages so this was a new thing for me!!! I love new things, they keep up my inspiration for all things crafty!!!
This one os for some very dear friends of mine who have just had their first baby boy. He is the star of the book on the first page!! The book itself was made with a 12x12 piece of card stock, (i broke into my stroke it only basic grey for this one!!!) and used my forever friend baby paper.
The tags were cut on my cricut from TBBM, in shadow and then normal to get the little decorated paper on. The gorgeous bear is from nitwits and the ribbon I got from a shop in the UK called 'Boyes' (its a bit of everything kind of shop!!)
The stamps are my very lovely present from andrea, thank you andrea, they are gorgeous xxxxxxxx
Here’s the front of the tag book.
The first and second page,Tags in!!
Tags out!! awww!!
The third and fourth page,Tags in!!
Tags out!!
I couldn’t leave the back cover out!!
A close up of the star of the book!! awwwwwww!!!
Thank you for popping in xxx
Well it wouldn’t be me if I wasn’t almost late for a challenge but I have been rushed off my feet with one thing and another this past couple of weeks!! and tonight our network has crashed so I am writing this in my live writer and can hopefully post it in the morning!!
I wanted to get my get funky “ autumn woodland” challenge done so I finally got to have a play with my get funky seasons cd-rom and omg is it cool!!!
I popped straight down to the Autumn section and had a sneaky peek at the chocolate drinks bit and I just thought I would have a nosey at the extras, well how chuffed was I when this cute little bag popped up on my screen and then on the next page the super cute tags!!! Inspiration hit me straight away ( always does with one of Anice’s cd’s!!!!!) and I had some cute pictures of Mo,Me and Scott walking at our local nature park a couple of years ago. I printed all the bits out and then resized the photo’s to fit on the tags.
I glued 2 tags together for each page and inked the edges to hide my pants cutting skills!!! ( sadly this is what happens when one owns a cricut!! romfl!!!) I inked the edges of the pictures too and then bound them all together popping the autumn page on for the cover of the tag album. I popped a brad on with some yummy dotty ribbon on.I made my bag and inked its edges too to make it look cute and stuffed it with some organza and taffeta in autumny red and gold colours. I popped some more dotty ribbon on and made a quick little circle tab with my punch and wrote ‘Autumn 2007’ on it. Check out the cheesy family on this tag!!!! I love this photo, its one of my favourites!!
Mo will love this little album in a bag, he loves anything quirky and I will definitely be making a few more of these!
Thank you for popping by, see you soon xxxxx