Friday 13 July 2012

Fabulous Friday!!

Morning Peeps!
This morning I wanted to share aTiddly Inks card I made a while ago because this cute little kitty is back in the Tiddly Inks Store!! yey!!!!
He is just way too cute!! and of course the piccy is linked to help you find them too....:) and there are a whole tonne of gorgeous ideas on there too from my awesome Tiddly buddies in the gallery pictures in the kitty listing there in the shop too!!

I am feeling a little sad today, my dad and my little sister are going back home today :( the 3 weeks they were here seems to of just flown by so quickly. Its a funny thing because even though I don't get to see him everyday I always feel so much safer when my dad is in the same country as me!
I love that I can ring him whenever I want to and know he will be awake because he is in the same time zone, I love that I can actually squoosh him when I see him instead of hearing him on the end of the phone and wishing I could squoosh him, and what I love most is seeing him with Mo. Mo absolutely adored seeing his grandad and aunty colette,now all I need to do is win the lottery so I can go have holidays with him at his home in the seychelles!!! :)

Right better get my sorry little self into gear really as I need to get dressed for work...though I think it would be so much better to go on pj's!!!
thank you for popping in on me, have an awesome friday peeps!
huge hugs Lou xxxxx