Monday 30 April 2012

Dusted off the cricut!!!

Morning Peeps!

Well the cold is still winning in and my energy has felt zapped away for the last 2 days!!! However, the sun is actually really shining this morning so I feel a whole tonne better just for seeing that.

Last night I actually opened my cricut up and made something with it. A friend of mine has a little girl called Asha and she is into Hello Kitty at the moment (...super yey for the hello kitty greetings cart!!!!) 

I am still loving my cloudy sky freebie paper from Funky Hand a couple of months ago, its so cute and was just perfect for a kitty in an aeroplanes background. Her eyes and nose are actually glossy accented but its hard to see in the piccy.

I cut Asha's name with my Tim Holtz chip block die and then stuck it onto the twine. I couldn't help but add 2 girly bows to the ends of the twine too, it looked really cute!! The sentiment is all glitzy and gorgeous from my crafters companion iridescent spray but that was hard to get a piccy of too!! I wobbled it out on some foam pads to make it look like it was floating through the air too!

I need to get my crafty thing on today and make a tonne of cards for the little charity sale we will be having at work to raise money for Adie's Just giving page. Adie, who is Asha's dad, has a just giving page and is raising money for MND. What makes it even more awesome is that Adie is battling with MND himself and doing such an awesome job with raising money for the charity that I am in complete awe of him. His blog is here if you want to pop along and say hi to him I know he loves visitors, and I love his style of writing because he is so honest and humorous. I got through a range of emotions reading his blog, from happiness to sadness and then right back to happy again! 

So thats me for this morning!! thank you for popping in on me!
huge hugs Lou xxx

Sunday 29 April 2012

Hoping to have a SMASH-ing sunday!! romfl!!

Morning Peeps!!!

How are ya'll this morning??!! me, I have a stonky poop cold and to make it worser last night we were awoken by someone trying to get into our front door and the furry princess Holly going crackers at it by growling and woofing in her best furry princess voice. She must of done a good job though as they stopped trying, the weird thing is that just a few seconds later our bedroom was lit up by the lights of a police car. Though they didn't come to our house we did think it might all of been joined together in some way!!
I just couldn't settle after that and now I have a glamourous snotty red nose and sore eyes!!! (I am just sooooo attractive for Scott right!!!)

Anywhoo on a totally fabulous note I got an awesome gift in the post from a completely awesome friend on friday. I came home from work to find a big envelope on my kitchen table and a gorgeous pink SMASH folio was inside. OMGOSH!!! how excited was I ???? (...well, much to my gorgeous hubby's bemusement I was Squeel, dance around the room and jump a lot whilst hugging said SMASH book tightly and kissing it!!!!)
So to inspire me I am getting myself going with Kellie's...

All this nutty mamma behaviour of course stirred up little mo's nuttiness too and it got stirred up even more that when mamma had stopped doing the SMASH celebration dance and found his little gift from his little buddy Philly attached to the front of my book with washi tape he asked for a photo to be taken of him for Philly to say thank you and to show him the tooth he had lost that day at school....
romfl!!!!! you even get to see his tonsils too....!!!!!!  (...and the tooth fairy came at 4am saturday morning..........!!) I need to have a word with that chick !!!

So, the top picture is obviously my gorgeous SMASH book and that is pretty much how it has been since I got it!!!!!! I LOVE IT....I have taken the ribbon off 9 times and looked slowly all the way through it. I have stroked each page and then softly popped it back into its ribbon!!! I love it so much.
The tape at the side there is the tape I treated myself to yesterday from Paperchase. They had reduced it too so they were £1.50 each. Now all I need to do is apply some to the pages!!!
The mug is my HUGE poohbear tea mug. I love a cuppa in the morning and I don't do delicate china mugs, I like a huge mug of hot tea to get me going!! I drink hot boiled water for the rest of the day with a slice of lemon or orange but always in the HUGE mug!! 

And I dyed my hair yesterday too. I wanted it to come out much lighter like on the box but it looks good and covers up the white anyway!! lol!!! It actually shines a really awesome colour in the daylight but after taking a whole tonne of piccies Scott still can't get it to show up so you get this piccy of it instead.....
Ahhh so glamourous me!! not brushed hair yet and eyebrows popping out my fringe!! will make firm effort to take better piccies later...though it is pouring down with rain at the minute!!
So thats me for today! I am off to have another cuppa, eat a jammy dodger and might make it to getting dressed before 9am....nah, maybe not!!! lol!!!!
Thank you for popping in on me!
huge hugs Lou xxx

Friday 27 April 2012

Saturated Canary new releases...:)

 Morning Peeps!!!

oh my gosh! hold onto your hats because theres going to be a new release of Krista Smith's awesome Saturated Canary images today!! so I got busy with them all to give ya'll a little sneaky peek tease...and believe me you will all be sitting waiting for 4pm EST now!!! because oh my gosh... they are alll sooooooooo dreamy!!!

So, at the top there we have 'Cerridwen'. Next is a card you will of seen before, it was a special digi for Tiets club, but she is up for release to everyone today! yey!! 'cos I know a tonne of you have been waiting for her!!! This is 'Springtime'....
 Then we have 'Wendy', I loveWendy because it was my dearest Nana's name...
 ...and here's another piccy of Wendy with her blingyness on ...:) I went a bit crazy with my spica's!!!
And this one here just has to be my absolute fav. Meet 'Muliti tasking Mamma', squeee isn't she fabulous?!! I had to SMASH her as soon as I got up this morning!!

So its off to work for me today, its really grim weather wise here today so I am hoping it brightens up a bit so I can get the little peeps out in the garden!!

Thank you so much for popping in on me, I cannot tell you how much each and every comment means to me so thank you so much for that xxx
Huge hugs Lou xxx

Thursday 26 April 2012

Saturated Canary challenge 16- Birthday Theme!!

 Afternoon Peeps!!
Its time for a fabby new challenge over on the Saturated Canary challenge blog today and oooooh is it a good one!!!! this week we want to see a ....
Birthday Theme
oooh easy peasy!! and sooo much fun too!!!
I was in a boy kinda mood so I headed straight for printing out 'Scratch',isn't he just the cutest ever little injun you ever saw?!!!!! 

So I decided to make him a little dream-catcher. I have never made one before and have probably done it totally wrong but I used my nesties and had lots of fun making it all the same!!! I added some little feathers out of Mo's crafty box and made some dangly threads with teeny tassels.I stamped out a little LOTV verse too, it was just perfect for this card.

I doodled some little arrows on my orange mat and then splodged down a load of layers of the papers. I have had this set for ages and I absolutely love it. Its so bright and awesome for boy cards!! more feathers, a birthday sentiment and a bit of raffia and it was done!!

And here's a pile of pens that I used.....
he he he!! its actually quite a teeny pile!! romfl!!! 

Ooooh and super exciting...there are new Saturated Canary digi's ......TOMMOROW :) :) :)

so don't forget to pop in on my awesomely talented teamies over on the challenge blog and I will see you all when I get home from work tonight!!! :)
Thank you for popping in on me, 
Huge hugs Lou xxx

Special Tiddly Guests!!

Image-Wryn and Emmy from Tiddly Inks

Morning Peeps!
Its our last week of special guests for our 2 year Tiddly Inks birthday celebrations and they have all been awesome!! this week we have this gorgeous selection of ladies for you to go drool over their makes....I say this because I know I did when I saw them all!!! I have done a little linky list a bit further down this post for you!!

For my cutie best budettes card today I used Wryn and Emmy. I love this cute little pair so much!! and some more of my rapidly depleting HOTP freebie papers..:)
There's a scalloped circle nestie, circle nestie, tim holtz vintage lace border and tim holtz chip block alpha die usage on this one!! 
I stapled the lace onto the strip of border matting and then tucked that under the nestied circle of Wryn and her cute buddy, Emmy. ( little Mo asked me which one was Wryn and which one was!! I said I wasn't sure and he replied " oh, its ok mumma because they are both cute chickadee's whoever they are"!!! romfl!!! where does he pick up these little sentences?! he has me giggling for ages afterwards with them!!!)
Here's my little promarkers used piccy.....

I'll be back this afternoon with my post for the new Saturated Canary challenge so don't forget to pop back in on me, I love company!! :)

and here's the all important little list of magical linkies for you to ping and be pootled off to ....

Wednesday 25 April 2012

Happy Birthday Jane :)

Morning Peeps!!!
Today it is my lovely SC teamie and gorgeous friend Jane's 40th birthday!! wohhoooo!! Happy Birthday Jane, mwah, Have a fabulous day hunny xxxxxx

I am sooo hoping this card got to her in time and that she has opened it before popping into bloggy land today!!! lol !!! (I always sit on the edge of my seat with royal mail after my 2 years in a row chrimble cards going missing..grrrrrr)

She should recognise the stampy too...;) and I absolutely love this stamp. This card is a happy birthday and super duper thank you all in one!! I am now the proud owner of 3 of these beautiful Simply Sassy stamps and omgosh I LOVE them!! this one is by far my fav as she has been on my wish list so long so she just had to be used and I knew what I wanted to do with a sentiment too...I was feeling creative :) and here it is....

he he he he!! LOVE IT!!!!! yup, I cut all the letters a la tim holtz chip block strip and then glossy accented them onto a thread for the butterfly to fly them out of the envelope (...I so hope that is still working and not completely squished when Jane opens it...)
The envelope is just a lunch money envelope but I love the secret little hidey hole. It was so hard to take a piccy of but I do so love that element of surprise.

I so wanted to match the colouring of her to the papers and I think I just about got it!!  and I am totally sorry I forgot to take a piccy as I was rushing about trying to get a piccy and get it posted so it got there on time!!!! argghhhh!!! but I do remember some of them! yey!!!
There was... 
blush, sunkissed pink,coral- skin
pastel green, soft green and mint green- dress
pastel pink and coral- boots,socks and cuff
cool grey 1 on the clouds.

I also want to rush a quick happy birthday in for my gorgeous friend Heather too, mwah huge birthday hugglies xxxxxxxx

The grungey stamps are from LOTV and are the Grunge Corners, I love those too!!! I did a bit of handstitching with the greaseproof paper magnolia border, the butterfly is from my martha stewart punch. I actually have a soft spot for this card as it is my first Simply Sassy stamp!! 

I am popping this little card in for a couple of challenges too...
Passion for promarkers- Cut it out
Fussy and Fancy- Punches and dies

Right off to get myself a cuppa before Mo's little breakfast buddy arrives. they danced their socks off yesterday morning so I wonder what they will fancy doing this morning?!

Thank you so much for popping in on me
Huge hugs Lou xxxx

Tuesday 24 April 2012

SMASH-ing Ladies!!

 Evening Peeps!!
I am just popping in quick with a SMASH post before my little head hits the pillow and I hopefully zonk out to sleep!!!

I am sure peeps who pop in on me regularly know I am on 3 awesome DT's. They are all down my sidebar over there-------->
and I am so very proud and honoured to be a part of their teams. The gorgeous ladies are of course from left to right.... Krista ( saturated canary digis), Christy (Tiddly Inks) and Anice ( Funky Hand) and I am so very thankful to them all because every day when I get up I am so inspired by how awesomely talented they all are and in awe of how they do it.

I live my creative dream daily because of you 3 so this page is just for you,mwah xxxxx

Papers are my raspberry road freebie, I used my tim holtz distressed doily die and the little tabs are from Sweetly Scrapped.

Nighty night all!!!
thank you for popping in on me
huge hugs Lou xxx

Tiddly Inks challenge 85- Saying Thanks

Morning Peeps!!!

:) yey!!! its that Tiddly Inking time of the week again and of course there are a couple of new releases too from our gorgeous Christy!!
So first, this weeks new challenge over on the Tiddly Inks challenge blog is a fabulous one, its all about ...

so get your fav  Tiddly Inks ----be that an image from the shop,cut file from My Scrap Chick or a Stamping Bella rubber stamp...
and get creating a Saying Thanks something!! :)

For my cardI used Wryn Picture Perfect. I merged her onto the sky paper that was the freebie last month over on the Get Funky challenge blog and then cut her out. I put a thin line of glue over the hanging wire and then added some blue thread to it. I also added a good old splodge of glossy accents to the roses around the frame.

I used my fav freebie HOTP papers and the little sentiment banner was in the set too. I am so going to have to buy these papers..... one day.....:) a little bit of blue lace stapled on and she was done!!! 

And now exciting new images!! I love new release day!!! and this time Wryn is either off to college, off on holiday or moving into a new home. I love the possibilities with this little cutie!!! and the house...ooooh I want to live there!!!

Here they are..
Wryn Joy Ride...                                      and                 Home Sweet Home          
Squeeee!! I love them!! and of course in true helpful Lou style I have linkied the piccies to their home in the Tiddly Inks store....:) :) :) Here's a quick make with them and the Happy Day Background.

And before I forget, here are the pens I used to colour up my little Wryn Picture Perfect card for todays challenge...
and here's the pens I used on my Happy Day card....

So pop in on the Tiddly Inks challenge blog and see what those gorgeous Tiddly Inking buddies of mine have been making to get ya'll going!!

thankyou for popping in on me
Huge hugs Lou xxxx

Monday 23 April 2012

Golfing anniversary...

Hello  Peeps!!

How are you all this gorgeous monday? I am good. I have just got back from taking my mum to physio and having a jacket potato at the garden centre,yummo!!!

Now I promised I would be back with my Mum's card for my Dad for their anniversary and here it is!! The file for this card was a freebie from the wonderful Kris. All I needed to do was golf-erise it for my Dad's golf obsession. The piccies aren't that great as I took them in a rush on my way out the door to Mum but I hope you like it anyway!!

I have to say, I am extremely proud of the sentiment I made up in my own daft little head for this one!! please feel free to pinch it peeps if you have a golf obsessed hubby or wife because the smile on my Mum's face when I gave her this card for Dad this morning was priceless so if I can share that with at least one other card maker I will be so very happy.
I embossed the heart and the sentiment for inside with my tiny bubbles embossing folder to make them look like golf balls! cute!!!

And here's the inside of the card.......

I love it!!!!!! can't wait to hear what Dad thought of it!!!!
Anywhoo, I have pots to put away, lounge to hoover, dog to plod and all before I fetch the little Mo man from school!! oh and a staff meeting to go to tonight too ....
Thank you for popping in on me!
huge hugs Lou xxxx

Sunday 22 April 2012

Sugarbowl challenge!!

Papers- Raspberry Road freebie from a crafty mag
Evening peeps!!!
Well I have had a fabulous sunday. We woke up to icky rain but then had a break in it which was fab as we all got wellied up and plodded the Holly over to the recreation ground in our village to get a good play and run around in. Now, despite being a yellow lab and supposed water dog...Holly does not do the point where if she even see's it dripping down the patio door she runs back to her bed!!! so a good walk in the break from the rain was much adored by the fluffy princess today!!

Once we had done that(...and Mo had tested out his new sisal rope bought by my mum by tying me up to the garden gate.....) I wanted to get started on making a card for the Sugarbowl challenge this week. It is a yummy sketch and I really felt like having a good old stamp and ink stampy session!!! ( its my mum and dad's wedding anniversary this week and they have both forgotten so before they send me frantic texts on monday night to tell me they need a card I thought I would be ahead of the game!!...yeah I could tell them they have both forgotten but its more fun this way!! romfl!!!!!)

So, this is mums card from my dad! I inked up one of my fav gorjuss/gorgeous girls, Sitting. I know there are new ones but I still love the originals from Sugar Nellie at Funky Kits. I decided I wanted some nice soft edges so I stamped her in memento rich cocoa. I love how it comes out.
She then got a good old nestie treatment and tim holtz tea dye and antique linen distressing before getting coloured up with these pens below.....:)
Get me...all organised!!! :)

The papers were a delicious freebie from one of my crafty mags and they are Raspberry Road 'Summer Goodness'. They have a kinda glossy feel to them so they were a treat to play with!!! the swooshy swirls are a sizzix die that I got with my big shot and the little flower is..... of course, from Tim Holtz's tattered floral die :) and the little teeny butterfly's are my martha stewart punch.

So I think thats me for today!!! tonight I am just going to veg out a bit and catch up with my 'Castle's I have taped. I need to make mum's card for dad but I know what I am doing for it so it won't take me long and I have even been super creative and made up my own sentiment for it, go me!!!! might get it done and post it for you tomorrow!!

Thank you so much for popping in on me :) this new blogger set up has had me confuzled so I am quite impressed I even managed to post this !!!!!
huge hugs Lou xxx

Friday 20 April 2012

What can you do with a Tiddly Inks wedding cake freebie.......:)

Morning Peeps!!

Phew its been a busy week and I have to admit I will be very happy when it is 5:30pm tonight and my weekend begins!!!

I have been busy both at work and at home this week!! and the home busy-ness has been full of wedding!!! I have been working on some wedding bits for a few weeks now and these are what I have been busy making!!

I knew just where to head when Natasha asked for a funky wedding cake and sent a begging email to the gorgeous Christy for help!!! :) and omgosh I loved the little cake she sent me! and whats even more exciting is that ya'll can have it too!!! for FREEEEEEEEE!!! if you click on the piccy it will take your straight to the post on Christy's blog. She is just so awesome!! thank you Christy,mwah xxxxxx

Now the date on the book in this piccy is actually the wrong date....derrrrr Lou!!! but I forgot to photograph it once I had sorted the date out!!! derrrr Lou again!!! 

Inside view! there is extra raffia in the bow as Natasha wants to add photographs to the pages so it needed to be able to pumf out a bit!!
bit of a side view!
Here is the table number. There are 6 of them and they do look so cute IRL. Pearlescent card and paper just do not like being photographed by me!! I can never get it right!!!! it makes the images look all bobbly but they are actually all blingyish! 

...and of course a cute little matching card too!!!...with the right date on this time!!:)
I merged the super cute little Wedding Huggabuggs onto the cake (..they are on sale price too :) over in the Tiddly inks bargain basement)

Phew!! that was a mammoth lots of piccies post!!!!!
Thought his cake would be completely awesome for a baking mamma for mothers day too, its just so pretty.

Challenges I am popping this little wedding bundle into are...
Paper Sundaes- Anything Goes
Incy Wincy- Digi's only!
Crafty Sentiments- Use a digi
Well, I had better get my butt into gear and get ready to go to work...I am still in my pj's so best get dressed too!!!
Huge Hugs Lou xxxxx

Wednesday 18 April 2012

Birthday Princess!!

Morning Peeps!!
How are you all this morning? I am off to work today so am just sat eating my tropical fruits granola and having a cuppa to wake myself up. I thought I would quickly get this little 'Its my party'  LOTV princess blogged and entered into a couple of challenges before I go!! I had a 3rd birthday card to make so she just had to be used!!!
She got some nestie treatment and then a bit of tattered pink DI around her. I mounted her onto a lacey circle nesty too.

The challenges I am playing along in are....

I coloured up my gorgeous stroppy birthday princess in these colours...
I just had to use my fabulous magnolia lace die for the lace. I had no pink lace and I knew that would be perfect. It comes out so pretty. 

Now for a little tip with those magnolia doo hickey dies!!...they can be a little tricky to pickle out so all I do is put some greaseproof paper over the die, then add my cardstock I want to cut over the top of that and then run it through my big shot. The cut piece pops out easliy then, it works great for the Tim Holtz border dies/on the edge dies too :) hope that helps someone!!

A little bit of pink twine tied into a bow,3 punched butterflies and the I had some fun with my waco pearl pen to add the pearls!! The lineny type paper is from funky Hand's craft the year away. Then I stamped an LOTV verse for the sentiment. that verse is just right for a little 3 year old.

I must admit to thinking this card is soooooo cute!! I just love her little stroppy face and those boots!!! she is so me!!! :)

Right, got to plod the dog and get my lunch ready!!
Have a fabulous day everyone and thank you for popping in on me this morning!
huge hugs Lou xxxxx

Monday 16 April 2012

SMASH-ing Day with my little Mo!!

 Evening Peeps!!!

I hope you have all had an awesome day because I totally have!!!
It was the last day of my gorgeous Little Mo's holidays today, he is back to school tomorrow :( so this morning when we woke up I asked him what he wanted to do today. The first thing he wanted to do was try out the tennis ball slingshot for the dog that my friend Leah's fiance gave us yesterday. So off we plodded with the dog at 7am along the viking way and oh boy!! was that slingshot fun!! Mo giggled everytime I sent a ball flying off and Holly thought it was christmas! she loved it!!! we only lost one ball into some tree's so it wasnt bad going!! we even got snowed on briefly when there was a quick snow shower which was very exciting for Mo!! was fairly warm for the rest of the day though!!!

Second thing he wanted to do was catch the bus into town. So off we went on our travels, with Mo clutching tightly to his Dylan dog teddy,it was a double decker bus so we headed upstairs and oh boy he loved that!! we even saw my sister walking on her way to work so as soon as we hit town Mo decided he needed to go buy her a present! 4 vienesse truffles bars from thorntons later and a visit to the shop my sister works in for a quick visit.

Cheese straws and a gingerbread man from the bakery, then we found washi tape in paper chase and could afford a whole 2 rolls with the pennies left in my purse so we chose one each and then it was home on the bus.

When we got home I asked if there was anything else he wanted to do and he asked if we could have some crafty time. I LOVE that about him, he really does love crafting. I so hope that lasts as he gets older. So we decided to do some a SMASH page about our puddle jumping photo Scott took at the zoo on mothers day a few weeks ago.

Little Mo did the writing on the bunting and decided he wanted to "descrive puddles for his writing bit" (...descrive is describe in Mo speak!!!) so he got on with that while I did my little bit on a tag to hide behind his writing. I also wrote 'I love puddles' on a little splodge on the paper. I punched out some circles because Mo wanted to point out the "splashy puddle" and my "jumpy hair" ( I love how Scott got those action shots!!) Mo stole one and wouldn't tell me what he had written but asked me to make a cloud that went the wrong way (....?...after asking what he meant he said he wanted it to go up the black bits .....) Phew I got it right!! and then he stuck his little circle on, awwwww!! I LOVE that circle :)

The papers I used are from my Funky Hand Dreams Come True papercraft factory cd rom and just perfect for splodgy puddle SMASH ing!!! I just added faded jeans distress ink, glossy accent rain and puddles and a word art of a quote form E Cummings I have had on my pooter for years! it was so nice to use it!!

I cannot tell you how much of a fabulous day I had for Mo choosing day!!! it was so much fun. After we finished crafting we played with our mini nerf jolt guns together (yup...Mo's was so much fun I had to buy myself one!! we got one for my dad for his birthday too and he loves it!!!!) and then went to the park. Then we came home and watched the film 'Hachi- a dogs tale' and oh boy did we cry!! but it was nice!!

so thats me done waffling for tonight!!!! thank you for popping in on me!!!
huge hugs Lou xxxx

Sunday 15 April 2012

Nappy Cakes!!

Morning Peeps!!
How are ya'll this gorgeous sunny morning?!! I bet you all think I have forgotten about my blog over the last few days!! I have just been enjoying the last few days of the hols with Mo as he returns to school on tuesday :(

Last week I had a couple of nappy cakes to make!! The first one was easy peasy as I knew what the little baby was going to be and I had made a little book for baby's mummy and daddy to start filling up a couple of weeks ago Its Here if you haven't seen it already!)
I just followed to theme of the book for this one and added some cute little booties to the top to finish it off!! I love the bunting! it looks so cute!! you can just about make out the little white buttons at the ends of the twine.

Now onto the Gelfling's nappy cake!! The gelfling is one of my oldest and dearest friend's little bump and with 9 weeks to go, this little baby is still being fairly elusive as to what he/she may be!!! gelfling has had many scans to try and see and has become an expert inleg crossing, back turning and curling up so mummy and daddy are still not sure what sex gelfling is!!! romfl!! so I had to be a bit of a both sexes one! after thinking for 3 days what to do, I went with a blue, yellow and green kinda scheme using my DCWV nana's nursery stack to  make it with!! .......and I was still finishing it off when Leah arrived for a cuppa the other day!! :) so I didn't get chance to take piccies....luckily Leah did and I have stolen them to pop on here :) Love yah Leah :) !!!
I made the flower on top with my Tim Holtz tattered floral die and added a little button to the centre.
I am entering my little nappy cakes into the Allsorts challenge blogs Buttons and Threads challenge .

Right then, off to get myself dressed now. Ryan has got a football match this morning so Mo and I are going to walk the dog around the park while Ryan is playing and then the rest of the day will contain lots of vegging out!!! 

Thank you for popping in on me!! 
Huge hugs Lou xxx

Thursday 12 April 2012

Saturated Canary challenge 15- April Showers

Image- Duck, Duck Goose  from Krista Smith's Saturated Canary Digi's.

Afternoon Peeps!!
I hope you are all having an awesome week! Its time for a new challenge over on the Saturated Canary Challenge blog and this time we want to see.......
April Showers!

Ok, so I can't help but think of the bambi song....

Ha!! now I got ya'll singing it!! :)

Anywhoo!! I just had to use Duck, Duck Goose for my card. I have had her sat in my pile of 'really need to play with that one's for a couple of weeks now. I decided on a get well card theme for mine, with an under the weather kinda thought in my head :)

I got the websters pages papers on a crafty mag a couple of weeks ago and I lurve them!!! I coloured her up to match  them and then had some fun making flowers and embellies. The gorgeous big pinky coloured paper is from Funky Hand's craft the year away cd and I love how it goes so perfick with the websters pages paper. They were only 6x6" size and this card is 7.5x7.5" so I needed something good to pop underneath! My papercraft factories are perfect for this job because the papers come in sooo many different colourways and you can always find one to match what you are using! love it!!

The umbrella is from my create a critter cart and its gorgeous! I cut it in normal and shadow to give it a bit of umpf and added some doodly stitches to it.

Of course, Lord Tim had to feature too and he came in the form of some lurvely tattered floral flowers and a little lace border :) I even pretended he had invented a tattered florals on the edge die....yup glue and paper piecing and there you go Tim...we need a tattered florals on the edge die purlease!!!! :)

There's a teensy bit of lace under the border piece and it looks so pretty IRL but doesn't want to show itself too well in the piccy!! 
I made my sentiment in word and then printed it out onto a good old mini tag from staples!! oooh I love stationary so much!!
And of course there was a little pile of pens involved in the making of this card :) here it is...
So what do you need to do to join in with us over on the Saturated Canary challenge blog??! 
You must use either a Saturated Canary Digi or a Simply Sassy rubber stamp. Also, please leave a link to the blog *post* featuring your challenge card:). This challenge is open until Wednesday, April 25th @ 12:00pm EST. 
And don't forget to pop in on the challenge blog to see what my awesomely gorgeous teamies have been making to get you all going!!

Thank you for popping in on me today :)
huge hugs Lou xxx

Diamonds..ooh yes please!!

Image- Racy Roxie from Kenny K 
sentiment from TLC
Morning Peeps!!
How are ya'll this morning? good I hope. Before I pop off to work I thought I would get a couple of bloggy posts done so I have this one for now and then this afternoon I will be back with my Saturated Canary DT card for this week as its tine for a new challenge!! yey!!!

So onto this card!! the Kenny K krafty Girls wanted to see Diamonds for their challenge this week and who can resist a bit of the bling?!!!!
I printed out Roxie and gave her a little bit of a mono colour to match her up to my Tiddly Inks grungey text and chequerboard papers.
The lurvely swooshy swirly she is sitting on is from my cricut wedding solutions cart, its a lovely big card too at 7.5x7.5". I blinged the swoosh up with some diamond glitter and added 4 little diamonds to the swoosh ends! bling baby bling!!!

Now taking a photo of bling drove me crackers!! it did not want to show up so  took a piccy of her laying flat...which is quite nice because you can see the dimension of her popped up and the sparkles!! and here is the best one I could get of it stood up!!...which I know is pants!!! :)

Here's a little pile of promarkers for you!!!

And now I really have to go get ready for work!! Please don't forget to pop back in on me later too for the new Saturated Canary challenge!!
huge hugs Lou xxx