Friday 31 July 2015

You're a Hoot...

Morning everyone!!

I hope you are all having a good week and ready for the weekend? Mo and I have had a wonderful week of holiday fun and mamma and me time and today Scott is off so we are off on an adventure to spoil Darwin hamster a bit ! he he he!! Mo will love it!!

So its Fab Friday over on the Tiddly Inks challenge blog and the Tiddly Inkers will knock your sox off with gorgeousness today. I decided to go for a fun with my stamp and Kraft card kinda day.

I bought this Kraft card a little while ago, its smooth and white on the other side so not like normal Kraft but such fun to colour on because I am never sure how it is going to dry out. I love how this one worked though and gave my little owlies some awesome white dots to pull them out onto the card, it works so cute!!

And I LOVE the little 'you're a hoot' stamp that comes with the stamp set, it makes it a perfect little fun make for friends.

Right, got to go! Family fun to be had!! he he he!!

Huge hugs Lou xxx

Thursday 30 July 2015

Saturated Canary Fairy Special blog hop...

Image- Moving Day.
Papers- We R memory makers Jet Set.

Hi everyone! 

You should of hopped to me from Lucy's blog so if you didn't, check out the hop order below so you don't miss anyone!!

We thought we would celebrate Friday's new release with a little blog hop to inspire you all and of course...there's an awesome prize up for grabs!!! so we are hopping today and the new release is tomorrow!!!

Our 2 guest hoppers are kicking off our hop over on the Saturated Canary blog this morning after being chosen by Krista for sharing their gorgeous Little Fairy makes.They are just gorgeous! I have popped their Little Fairy makes here and they are in our hop order too!! we are very lucky to have them bouncing around with us!!

Now onto the prize...How do you win it you ask?!!! well its super easy. Below is the blog hop order. You will need to hop around the girls blogs and leave a comment on each one for your chance to win a whopping $40 gift certificate for the store!! so get hopping for the chance to get shopping!! he he he!!!

Blog Hop order...












I used the gorgeous new Moving Day. I loved her hair so much! and I had some neat papers I could pop with a moving on kinda card so I couldn't wait to use those!!!

Right, Pop on over to Joni now and see what she has to showcase for you, and don't forget you will need to comment on each one for the chance to win that yummy $40 store voucher!!!!

Happy hopping!! 

huge hugs Lou xx

Monday 27 July 2015


Image- Airplane.
Card- Air plane you soar penny slider- SIL store.
Hi everyone,

I have been soaking in the Little Mo on holiday time and loving every minute so my blog has been a squish slow but today I have this make for you this morning using the absolutely adorable Airplane, (and another one in a little bit when I finish up something else I am playing with for my DTDF inspiration blog post!!) 

I had the best fun playing with this card last week! but I'll let the video do the talking for me at what it does!

Huge hugs Lou xxx

Wednesday 22 July 2015

Have a Fairy Happy Birthday Maurie!!

Image- Five Little Fairies from Mo's Digital Pencil.
Afternoon all!!

Its a super special day today as its one of my best crafting budette's birthday and the DT girls over on the challenge blog arranged a gorgeous little surprise birthday post for her.

I absolutely had the best fun making this card.I chose one of the totally uber cute and magical Five Little Fairies and went for a good old shaker card effect!! it looks so cute and sparkly IRL but could I piccy it...nahhhhh!! course not!! lol!!!!

So, the biggest happy birthday hugs go to Maurie and I hope she enjoys her little post over on the clubhouse blog! please pop in and see all the girls creations, they are gorgeous.

Me? I am just over the top excited because my Little Mo breaks up from school today! I can't wait! at the time of writing this post I have just 1hr and 7 mins left until he's all mine!! he he he!! no more sharing with school!!!!

Huge hugs Lou xxx

Tuesday 21 July 2015

Flower Jar....

Image- Flower Jar from Mo's Digital Pencil.
Midnight blue, Denim blue, Pastel blue.
Burnt sienna, Caramel, sandstone.
Olive Green and Pear Green.
Mustard and Tulip yellow.
Burnt orange, Coral, Sunkissed Pink and blush.

Post number 2 of the day!! Its time for a new challenge over on the Passion for Promarkers challenge blog, this week it's been set by our Julie from Team 1 and she has given us the give Lou a small heart attack theme of “flowers”!!! (...yeah...I totally forgot I could of just used flower embellies and embraced the scaredness!!!)  so Julie would like you to use flowers somewhere on your creation this week.  It can simply be using a floral image, or an image that includes a flower, flowery background paper or even just floral embellishments. As always-  Please remember you can enter using any type of creation, it doesn’t have to be a card.  As always to be eligible for our prize draw you must use your Letraset products (promarkers, flex markers, tria markers, aqua markers or metallic markers) and of course follow the theme.
Our  sponsor this week is DigiStamp Boutique and they are offering one lucky winner a £10.00 voucher to spend in their online store. 
DigiStamp Boutique logo
So, not to go by halves I decided to scare myself good and proper and use this stunning  Flower Jar from Mo's Digital Pencil that I absolutely adore but am absolutely terrified of colouring up!!! he he he!! well, if you're going to push yourself- push hard right?!! but I LOVE how it came out.

OK, I am going to get a lovely cup of tea and settle down with a bit of colouring. A very excited little Mo this morning as he was taking his teacher gift for one of his very special teachers who is going out to teach in Qatar. She has done so much for Mo I wouldn't know where to start with thanking her, it would be never ending, but here is the little guy with his cake that he baked all by himself ( Lemon Drizzle) and mamma made the pennants for him! he was so proud bless him and so very very happy when he gave it to her and she was really excited.

Thank you for popping in, huge hugs Lou xxx

Tiddly Inks Challenge #162- Summer Song!!

Image- Teacher.
Song- Schools out for Summer by Alice Cooper.
Morning peeps!!

Its that Tiddly Inks time of the week again so that must mean its time for a fun new challenge over on the Tiddly Inks challenge blog. The sun is starting to shine more, school is out and its that delicious time of the year when we all slow down a bit so our theme this challenge is...

Summer Song!

So pick your favourite summer tune and match it up with Tiddly Inks stamp or digital image for a gorgeous summer make!!! and don't forget to let us know which song
inspired your make.

(**remember...We love to see any new creation, a card, 3D project, journal page etc 
and you must use a Tiddly Inks stamp or image **)

So I just had to go with Schools Out for Summer by Alice Cooper. Little Mo finishes term tomorrow and I can't wait for some mamma and Mo time but we needed to get those special thank you's sorted first! This one is for Mo's class teacher and he helped me by doodling away some of his favourite parts of the year onto the background of the image. He has his residential trip to Kingswood suitcase, the space centre visit, algebra, orienteering, survival club when they had to make clean water from rain water and shapes! he's so cute!

Right, time for a cuppa me thinks!! thank you for popping in on me
hugs Lou xx

Monday 20 July 2015

Herd you had a birthday!

Papers- Teresa collins She Said.
White wool felt.

Hi everyone! 
I'm back with a 2nd post for today because I so wanted to share my DTDF inspiration post. Its another of the makes I did for the Die Cutting Essentials 4 magazine.

Our brief was ladies birthday cards using the new Die Namics Build able blooms stamps and Die Namics Build able blooms die set. And we had a gorgeous summery colour palette to follow too. I used my flower dies nd stamps to make some clouds and a sunshine to show how versatile the sets are!it was so much fun to put together and of course, the felt cut like butter for the little textured clouds.

I used one of my favourite stamp sets to go with my card this time, The Whole Herd stamp set. Its just so sweet and I adore the sentiments! they are just perfect!

Right, got to go! today was so busy with Little Mo's hospital appointment which ended up lasting 1hr 15mins while his 2 DRs decided what to do for the best for Mo. But they were amazing and very thorough and have decided to hold off on surgery for 6 months to see how Mo goes, unless he gets really sick again in which case they have given us a number to ring to sort out a quick little op to see what is going on.

Thank you for popping in, Hugs Lou xx

Bella hearts Bronte.....

Papers- T-Dawg wordbook from Funky Hand.
Morning everyone!

Its my turn to post over on the Dream Team blog today and seeing as we spent our saturday on Little Mo's sweetie stall raising pennies for our local RSPCA at the fun dog show I just had to use  Bella hearts Bronte. There were so many gorgeous dogs there and Mo loved it. He raised a whopping £27.20 selling his little 20p mixes and 10p lollies and you would honestly of thought that penny jar he took to them at the end was full of gold, he was so proud of himself.

We are off to the hospital today for Mo's tummy appointment and I am so hoping it has got a bit better and they don't need to look into surgery so keep your fingers crossed for us!!

And don't forget!! over at Mo's Digital Pencil its....
Hugs Lou xx

Thursday 16 July 2015

Wings and Wind...

Papers- Teresa collins She Said.

Hi everyone! 
I'm back with a 2nd post for today because I am so excited!! this card was in a UK craft magazine! I finally got my hands on a copy of it today so I feel safe sharing my make online now!

Our brief was ladies birthday cards using the new Die Namics Build able blooms stamps and Die Namics Build able blooms die set. And we had a gorgeous summery colour palette to follow too.

I used one of the awesome new LDRS SC clear stamps for this make, Wings and Wind. She is just devine to colour up and they stamp beautifully.Then it was time to have some fun with those wonderful stamps and matching dies, they really are so much fun. I panicked I would struggle when I first saw them but they are sooo versatile.

Right, got to go! am absolutely whacked out today and need a good old early night!!

Thank you for popping in, Hugs Lou xx

Mo's Dream Team blog hop...

Its time for a Mo's Dream Team Blog Hop!!! You should of hopped on over to me from Debby's blog ( if you didn't pop in on the blog run order just below). Today the Blog Hop starts at Vili's Blog and she has chosen our theme which this month is a Photo Inspiration.
OOOOOOOh it just screams summer doesn't it?! I love this!!

So, just incase you get lost, here's the Blog Hop Run. I know I've been posting on the dream team blog for a couple of weeks now but this is the first time I've been in the hop so I'm so excited!!! I can't wait to see some new people to pop in on.

Vili , Kaly,  GrethaJulie, Debby,  Lou (You're here!!) , Becky

Don't forget there are two $5 gift vouchers to spend in Mo's shop to be drawn from someones comments so make sure you comment on everyone in the blog hop posts.

I just had to use Little Umbrella for my make!! its er little glass of martini that called me into colouring her up!! she's just fabulous!! and the fabulous sentiment came in my  Cosmo Cricket Summer Love paper pad, it was just prefect for her!!

Thank you so much for hopping in on me. Now pop on over to see what our gorgeous  Becky has made for you all. 

And don't forget.....

 Mo's HOT Summer Sale!!.


now through Saturday, July 25, 2015!!!.

Huge hugs Lou xxx

Wednesday 15 July 2015


Image- Wrapping.
Morning everyone!

I had a christmassy feeling this week! I don't know why, I just felt the need for some festive feeling!! and for this one I just had to go with Saturated Canary's  Wrapping.

I love this image so much with that little parcel behind her, she would be perfect for a birthday too!!

Right, I've got to scooch! Little Mo is having his class play at school today and we can't wait to see it, he has been singing all the songs and practicing the words in the bath for the past few weeks so to see it all come together will be just wonderful.

Huge hugs Lou xxx

Monday 13 July 2015

Petunia gets a piggyback..........

I'm back! a squidge later than I thought as there was a little hiccup between the consultant and the radiographer but all sorted now and the fluid in my wrist has a surgery date a looming!! de de demmmmmmmmmmmmm !! lol!!!

So I just had to share my DTDF DT make with you all! this  Petunia gets a piggy back stamp is just too cute and I have to admit to it being one of those stalk the posty moments until it arrived!!! and as for the  Avery Elle Wonky Stitches....well...they might just be my fav companion at the minute! I love the little effect they give around the edges and that tag is just too cute!!

Here is a little bling shot too! I so suck at getting photo's of the pretties on her skirt!!

Right, I am going to go and mildy de- stress now and try and stay awake for fetching Mo.! I am not sure I function well on the one hour of sleep after the nightshift thing!! lol. I have had 2 coffee's since I got home and now resemble the squirrel in Hoodwinked...

Snow Day...

Image- Snow Day.

Hi everyone!! I have 2 posts for today and I am starting with a bit of a wintery make! I just had to make a little shaker card using  Snow Day. I keep seeing gorgeous shaker cards pop up and I have to be honest...I suck at them!! i get all my sprinkles stuck to them and get the shaker bit all wrong so for this one I out my best concentrating hat on and made myself a shaker circle by cutting out 6 circles of card with my nestie circles!!!! go meee!!!

Then a few sprinkles , sequins and bits and bobs got plomped into the little share a la Lou and I stuck another piece of acetate over the top so I could make it into a little window that you could see my little cutie through!!

And don't forget.....

 Mo's HOT Summer Sale!!.

now through Saturday, July 25, 2015!!!.

So it's the perfect time to get adding to your wishlist!!

Right, I need to get a cuppa and get my next little make finished off!!

Huge hugs Lou xxx

Saturday 11 July 2015


Image- Hug from Mo's Digital Pencil.
Sentiment- written by a Little Mo
(payment- 1 white chocklit mouse..!)
Morning all!!

I was so excited to open my emails this morning and find gorgeous new images from Mo's Digital Pencil that I just had to colour one up! and!!! wohooooooo!!! an awesome summer sale in the shop too?? what more could put a spring in your step for a Saturday?!!!!!

So, deets!! 'cos I know y'all want them more than my waffles!!!

 Mo's HOT Summer Sale!!.

Save 20% off your digital stamp order

now through Saturday, July 25, 2015!!!.

And now...waffles!! lol!!! I just had to use Hug, its the cutest image and I absolutely adore it. Its good for so many occasions too and today I just had to have a hug card and my gorgeous little man wrote the sentiment for me which makes it even more special.

He ha spootled out with Daddy to get a new basketball as Dasher 'helped' him to play with his and it made a rather unhealthy pffffttttttttttttttttttt sound and went a little flat...Dasher thought he had farted but I assured the little 4 paws it was actually the basketball dying......!!!!!

Right, got ot go! I am going to take the few minutes of mamma time I have left to sneak one of Mo's vimto ice lollies!! its so hot here today!!

Huge hugs and thank you's for popping in! Lou xxxx

Thursday 9 July 2015


Image - Birdhouse from Tiddly Inks.
Papers- MME Bramble Rose.
Afternoon all!!!

well i couldn't resist a play with this uber cute $1 Birdhouse image from Tiddly Inks. Its been sitting on my desk for 2 days all printed out and ready to be played with and it just tweeted at me to go for it today!!

It took me a while to get the card done though as I was chatting to my gorgeous budette Becky and she inspired me to go for a walk so me and my 2 pawsers went and had some fresh air before I put the card base together! it is such a beautiful day today though and I enjoyed every minute of fresh air.

I really do adore this cute little card!!! the little sentiment comes in the download too and I love the whimsical script on it. Right, I need a cuppa!! I am just starting to flag after an early start to the day with Mo and need a bit of a pick me up!

Thank you for popping in, Huge hugs Lou xx