Monday 27 November 2017

Mummu Dancing (Pre-coloured)...

For Mini Lightbox- printable acetate

Hi everyone! It's Lou in for you today with a make using one of my absolute favourites of Maurie's characters, Mummu. She is just such a magical character and she is one of those images that feels so much like a 'real' person to me when I colour her she just comes alive!!.....BUT WAIT!!!!!!!! I totally didn't need to colour her because this little gem of a Mummu comes pre-coloured!!

Yup, Maurie already did all the hard work for us on this cutie so if you are a print and go kinda crafter, she is just perfect for you. This is what she looks like in the shop....
Isn't she fabulous?!!! All I needed to do was add some gorgeous snwy shaery bits for her to get her winter dance on!! sooooo sweet!! So, Lou you love colouring, why do you need her pre-coloured you ask?!!!...... why did I need her pre-coloured??? well, my first make was for my super cute mini lightbox!!

I printed Mummu Dancing (pre-coloured) with her sentiment onto my fabulous printable acetate! oh I love this stuff so much! and of course, it's just perfect for mini lightboxes because it's easy to trim to make my own bits to slide into it! wahoooooooo!!!! 

I can't wait to try a few more of the pre- coloured images the same way now!! it's so much fun to customise this little lightbox!!! Thank you for popping in, hugs Lou xxx