Friday 30 September 2011

Sugar and Spice and a totally sweet sale at Tiddly Inks!!

Morning peeps!! 
Just a quicky post from me before I go to work to tell you about Christy's totally sweet sale following the fabulous release of the sugar and spice girls just got a zillion times better!! as a thank you to you all Christy is adding a bit more sugar to the's words from Da Boss.....:)

"I decided to end the sale with a whamoooo! If you are in the mood for some Tiddlys, you have 12 hours to get 40% off all orders over $7...just enter the SUGARNSPICE code during checkout and viola!!! If you would like 40% off all orders over $7, you have from 7:00 central tonight until 7:00 AM when I wake up tomorrow morning....hope you have fun! :) "

So quick!!! click on the words from Da Boss to take you to the Tiddly Shoppe and go get your Tiddly on!!!!

Huge enabling hugs from Lou :) xxxx

Thursday 29 September 2011

saturated canary challenge 1 !!!

Image- Kitty from saturated canary
Hello peeps!!
Oh its a late bloggy from me tonight because I am feeling ack, blurgh, poop with the monthlies but I so wanted to have a go at the new Saturated Canary challenge blogs first challenge that I wombled out to my crafty garage (...please note how funny that looks after 2 co-codamols!!I look like a zombie!!!!!) and my nice hot wheaty bag and had a first go at the fabby sketch that Carissa has made.

I gave Kitty some nice autumny colours and the orange hair is to go a little bit halloween!!! In my dopey tablet induced wobbley colouring my black glaze pen splodged on the bow centre which I am not a 100% happy with but I loved the colours on the rest of her so i didn't want to cast her aside....not sure I even could, she's too cool!!!

Don't forget to pop over to the challenge blog and see what the awesomely talented DT have made, ooooh they will make you drool!!!! I love this sketch and I am so going to make a better go at it over the weekend when I will hopefully feel a bit better!!!!!

Right , off to wobble up to bed and try and get some sleep!!
huge hugs Lou xxxx

Wednesday 28 September 2011

So bootiful !!!

Promarkers- Leaf green, pear green, olive green
burnt orange, honeycomb,cool greys1-5
sakura starburst pen

He he !!!!! 2 posts in one day!!!!! must be all that sunshine out there spurring me on!!!!

This fabby image is one of Tiddly inks new gothic sugar and spices and I lurve them all, soooo much!!! you can buy each one singly or get a pack of 4 together. I am a big lover of halloween so I just had to play with this one as soon as I got her. 
I coloured her up all spooky, I love how she is dressed up ready with her candy handbag ready to fill with sweets!!! and I love those orange boots!!

Then I distressed all my spooky dookie papers and the green card base. I used spiced marmalade and forest moss distress inks and then gave them a run through my distezz-it-all just to make sure they were definitely feeling distressed!!! romfl!!

I added some ribbon and card candie's too.
I am popping this little spooky creation in for these 2 challenges......
Oooooh and I am super excited too because tomorrow the challenges start over on the Saturated canary art challenge blog. Krista has an awesome DT and even more awesome images so I can't wait to see what team canary have got up their sleeves to challenge us with!!!!! If you click on the piccy below it will take you to the challenge blog so get following and join in the fun tomorrow!!! 
Pootling out to my little crafty garage now to do a bit of this and that...not sure what yet but am sure I will find something to mess up and jane...if you are reading this..this is my craft desk as it looks right now......
 OOOOOOh my bad!!!!! that looks so much messier now I loaded the piccy........
but all is not lost....I have a little bit of space to carry on with what I was doing before bloggying today......
romfl!!!!! if its tidy I will never find anything................ :)  :)

Huge hugs for you all
Lou xxxxx

Lilac, nana and a black and white cat!!

Papers- Craft the year away from funky hand.

Morning peeps!!

how are you all today? great  I hope. its a fabulously sunny day here today and lovely and warm. Little Mo pootled off to school in his shorts again today ( pleased I held off putting them in the loft!!) He has navy blue tank tops this year for school as he gets so hot, even when its cool he gets hot!! He looked really cute this morning!His parents evening last night went really nicely, I am so proud of him and so so very thankful for him going to an awesome school with even more awesome teaching team. I hope they all know how very much that means to parents and how safe it makes us feel knowing our children are with them? I hope so.

Ok, onto my card for today!! a friend at work asked me for a card for her nana's birthday. I wanted to make it have things that her nana liked and asked her for her nana's fav colour and anything she liked. She came back with lilac and a black and white cat, awwwww. Luckily I had this magnolia kitty that my BF stamped for me years 3 years ago!!!! I coloured it up  and added some little patches of white with my gel pen.

The lilac's and purples bit was easy. I chose 4 papers from the 'November Rain' colourway and printed them out, job done easy as they all co-ordinate with each other!! yey!!! I chose the tree's to add a touch of autumn, I love that tree paper!!

The 'nana' is cut on my cricut and then everything got silicone 'd on to make it pop out from the card a bit.
A nice sunny day = piccies taken outside !! I love the red bricks on my garage wall against the grass, it looks so pretty.

I'll be back in a minute with another new Tiddly Inks image!!! 

Hugs Lou xxxx

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Tiddly Inks challenge 66- Acrylic!

Image-Little Miss Sunshine from Tiddly inks.
 Morning peeps!!!

Its Tiddly tuesday again and that means time for a new challenge over on the Tiddly Inks challenge blog.
The art journal challenge was so much fun and I loved looking at everyone's entries, wow!! they were awesome.
And so onto this week, us Tiddly inking gals want to see.....


 this week on your projects. This means use acrylic anywhere on your creation (any acrylic will work---think acrylic albums, flowers, paint and even shrinky dinks count!!)
For mine I decided to make a little mini journal. I decided to use acrylic and some shrinky dink plastic too!! the acrylic was used for covers on the journal. here's a piccy of it laying down so you can see the acrylic a bit better!!
I embossed the acrylic with divine swirls and gave it a good rub with some alcohol inks to turn it a kind of sepia brown colour. I added a few pearls in the corner and stamped a sentiment that I tore out of its paper and then inked the edges of.
And here's a piccy of my Little Miss Sunshine all uncovered and cute!!! I coloured her up all autumnal as I am in season change mode now!!! :)

I ruffled up a bit of  lace too, I love it!!!
The pages inside the book are just plain old record cards, cut up and pretty-fied by me!!! he he he!! I stamped my magnolia swirl on and then distressed all the edges in my distrez- it- all ( oh how I love that machine!!!)

A good old bite and bind from my bind it all and the mini journal was ready!! yey!! The leaves are an inkadinkado stamp my BF got me last year, its so lovely and the leaves look beautiful in teeny shrinky dink size!! I attached them with little rings to the binding and then I had oodles of fun tying on fibres and ribbons through the binding.

So what will you make using your Tiddly Inks????? before you make a start pop over to the challenge blog and see what the other Tiddly Inkers have made (...WARNING>>>>they are all totally gorgeous and will make you need them!!!!!)

And whats even more exciting is that the new sugar and spice girls are in the shop too!!! and Christy has a special offer on them...

and here is one of my creations!! 

Off to get the little man ready for school now!! its parents evening tonight so wish us luck!!!
huge hugs Lou xxxx

Monday 26 September 2011


Image- Babycakes from Saturated canary
Papers- Craft the year away from Funky Hand.

Morning....maybe afternoon actually peeps!!
Firstly, Thank you so much for your comments for Little Mo and his tutorial video!! he loved every one of them and felt so special, I cannot thank you all enough xxxxxxx

Well, I have had another eventful morning, won't bore you with too many details but lets just say men hiding in bushes when you walk the dog are quite scary but policeman are fab!!!!

I started this card yesterday morning....then we decided to clean out the bookshelves and the loft so Babycakes just sat there staring at me...awwwwww with those gorgeoous big blue eyes....awwwwwwwww

And after most distressing dog walk....which turned into walk dog home very fast (.... I feel so sorry my elderly Mr. Zaky!!!) I decided the best way to calm panic pants daft self down was to watch manic monday by the bangles on youtube and then print out some yummy papers and get on with making my babycakes card!!
I just couldn't wait to share the cuteness of this one! this card is for my friend at work who has just had Ella. (..Carrie if you are reading this....Look away girl!!!!!!) Carrie worked right up until 1 week before Ella was born, wow! in a nursery full time that is no mean feat so I think she was fab to manage that. There are a few of us signing it so there are some gorgeous pink pages inside to match the front!!

Baby cakes is coloured up with promarkers...colours are...
blush, peach and soft peach skin.
tan, caramel and cocoa- hair and clothes
antique pink and pastel pink clothes and boots.
I coloured my white satin ribbon with antique pink too to make sure it matched everything. The papers are all from the 'evening in june' colourway and I love the spots and linen effects together, just yummy.

Awwwwww, I just love her!!!!!!!!

Right, I am off to get some lunch and then go back out to my craft room as I have an order for a nana card to do!!

Huge hugs and thank you for popping in on me, I do love visitors!!
Hugs Lou xxxx

Sunday 25 September 2011

Birthday sqaush book!!

 Morning Peeps!!

I am in the hot seat today over on Get Funky to get you all fired up and creating for the birthday fun challenge set by our lovely Jenny. See Jenny's post here for a few more details.
I decided to make a lovely little squash book using some of the wonderful papers and oodles of digi stamps from the Happy Happy Birthday papercraft factory.
here's the outside without its ribbon in the way, I love this flowery paper, its so bright and cheery.
 And here it is half un-sqaushed!!!! This was so much fun to make. If you need a bit of a tutorial on it, our very own gorgeous Kathy has HERE on her blog.
 Wow, all those digi stamps and sentiments and I still didn't even scratch the surface with just how many there is on the cd!!!
Please remember you need to include at least one Funky Hand paper or extra on your card entry, that could be a paper from any of our CDs, Original collections or Papercraft factory CDs, any of the loads of download collections that are available or Our Betty stamp images.  If you don't have any Funky Hand stash yet there is a Funky Freebie paper on the to help you out so you can still join in with us and have a chance of winning your choice of any Funky Hand download.

And if you need help on the Happy Happy Birthday papercraft factory, don't forget to have a quick peek at this tutorial from the lovely Little Mo!! I can't resist linking it again because its sooooo cute!! 

hugs Lou xxxx

Saturday 24 September 2011

Allsorts- Keep it simple and little Mo gets funky!!

Image- Peek a boo bugg from Tiddly Inks.

Hello peeps!!
I thought I would have a quick little make this afternoon to join in with the allsorts challenge blogs Keep it simple challenge.
I bet you all thought I had plopped off the planet with no bloggy posts for a couple of days!! ha ha ha!! was giving ya'll a break!!!!
and onto Allsorts......

First I used the cute little pumpkin freebie Christy made a long time ago along with peek a boo bugg to make this cute little halloween card, awwwww!!! I am hoping it is CAS enough!!! I never know where to stop with CAS!!!  the truth is, I wasn't too sure so I spent 5 mins making this one too......

Image- Stand out in the crowd from Tiddly Inks.
Word art from Donna's blog

This afternoon Little Mo had a request for mummy and daddy to make something special and he did!!!
There is another post from Little Mo himself in just below this one,so please pop and have a look and leave the little guy some comments!! he will love reading them!!!!

 * Little Edit- Mo's post is HERE*

Huge huggies!!
Lou xxxx

Little Mo gets Funky!! a video tutorial for the little funky peeps out there!!

Now onto Little Mo!!

We have been very busy this afternoon as little mo decided he wanted to make something!! it is very cute and   he was so funny while he was doing it!!!! he loves making video's ( normally about skateboarding!!!) but after watching Anice's video on the cake box on the Funky Hand Happy Happy birthday cd he decided that today he needed to make a video for the little peeps out there!!! and here he is......(you might need to turn your volume up a little as he is a bit quiet!!)

Awwwwwww, too funny!!!!

Anyway, I am off to go and see what he is up to now, he was last seen filling up our wheelbarrow with our spare bricks (... from doing the garage 7 years ago! seriously if you have bricks and little boys of age 6 there is nothing more exciting than 'real lego bricks' as he calls them) pootling on out to the front lawn!!!

Huge hugs Lou .....and not forgetting Little Mo of course!!!! xxxxxx

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Fetch a Sketch challenge 7

Morning peeps!!!

This morning I decided to have a quick go at the Fetch a sketch challenge blogs new sketch, its lovely isn't it? if you click on the piccy you will be magically transported off to the blog where Ruth, Jenny and Fliss have been busy with some gorgeous cards already.
I used some more funky scraps (good girl Lou!!) to cover a little card blank and a little frank boto from Tiddly inks that I coloured up last year whilst in the full Halloween makes and he must of gotten lost as I found him this morning in my funky scraps!!!!! they were obviously destined to be together!! :)

The little banners at the top are from the new Happy Happy Birthday papercraft factory but I wanted them to look poppy outy so I cut them off the string they are drawn on and put them on some real string with my hot glue (...yeah... I know any excuse to use the hot glue gun, but it was fun!!!!!) the little BOO!sentiment is from my SU tiny tags stamp set, punched out with the SU treasury tag punch.

I am pleased to report no disasters today!!! far. I did have a teeny falling out with the new printer though and Scott put it back into the box......However...after spending an hour trailing the internet for another this morning I am thinking that the new one I got really isn't too bad so I am giving it a reprieve tonight I think!!

Anywhoo, I am starving so off to get some roasted veg cous cous. Don't forget to pop over and join in with the new sketch over on FAS

Huge hugs Lou xxxxx

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Adela's 3D hanging basket challenge.

 Papers- Craft The Year Away from Funky Hand.
stamp- from my critters birthday penny black set.
sentiment- from my wonderful day penny black set!!
***This is my 2nd post for today so if you want to have a nosey at my spooky 
journal page too, its HERE***
Hello again peeps!!

I am just having a little relax on my settee with my laptop and thought I would share my little hanging basket I made for Adela's 3D challenge this week and the papertake weekly blogs creature comforts challenge  as I have had a bit of a morning ...............

Little mo wanted to take zakky to school so we got ready, got the dog in the car ( have to lift him in because he is old!) half way to school ( its 4 miles away) Little Mo pipes up with..
"EEEEEuuuwwwww mummy, it smells of roasted zakky poo in here"
to which mummy says...
"yes, its zakky's old doggy breath poppet"
to which Little Mo says...
" o-oh, no it isn't mummy, its a big zakky poo "

AAAARRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!! thank goodness we have a totally old car and leather seats, the whiff was not pleasant though so Mo and I were the only people in a car with the windows wide open when it was tipping it down with rain! get home, clean car, cuppa......ahhhh all calm.
Then go out to print of some funky papers for a 3d challenge I like to have a go at, printer worked fine yesterday but today nope, luckily have dig in funky scrapbook, ( I keep all my funky scraps in one of those plastic folder thingies with lots of  plastic pages) have a sheet of double sided funkiness from a couple of weeks ago, use that,phew!! 

Then delivery man comes to deliver new printer,happy happy Lou, jumps up from chair in craft room....slips over Mo's twig (that needed putting near my door to keep me safe from aliens....?? ........bless him.....  ) and straight onto big butt!!!

Anyway........Heres a piccy of whats inside the hanging basket  ( .....which I may need to eat to make self feel better....)

So I am ever hopeful of a more peaceful and uneventful afternoon........ keep your fingers crossed for me please!!!!!!!

Hugs Lou xxxx

My spooky journal page!!

Kids and Teachers quotes , Spider web and heart that I think was a freebie once..
oh and a cute little mo....sadly he is not for sale...!! :)

Morning peeps!!!

Over on the Tiddly Inks Challenge blog we are having a special Tiddly Inks 2 week journalling challenge. I have really been trying hard getting to do a page a week at least in my new little art journal and on sunday Mo and I were pootling about mixing paint for fun, he had been doing it at school and wanted to show me how to make orange. It was so much fun!
So I 'borrowed' some of his orange before he used it all and got him to squeeze in some of my gold shimmery acrylic paint, oh wow!! he thought that was magic!!!
And I splodged it on my journal pages with great gusto!! Love a bit of mess!!!! Then I had to leave it to dry.....
And here's Batty doing her spooky thang in her spooky twisty tree wood!!!!
 And here is my super cute little Harry Potter on our doorstep last halloween (...please excuse the crackle glaze refusing to have its piccy taken over Mo, it looks lovely IRL but I just can't get a good piccy of it, grrrrrrrrr!!)We absolutely love halloween in our house and decorate outside the house every year. We go for a spooky walk and trick or treat with friends and then Mo spends the rest of the night looking out the window for trick or treaters to give sweets too, he loves it.
I love the little quote Christy popped in the kids and teachers quote pack and I just had to include it on the page. It is so true and just lovely.

My relationship with journal pages is getting a bit better now as I keep trying!! this one has also got my fav magnolia swirl stamp on it and an Ugly Bug spider web in black and clear embossing, oh I wish you could see the orange glimmery paint as well as I can while it is sat on the table here nest to me in the sunshine, it looks gorgeous!!!!!
Right must go and get a little man for school and then when I get back I am going to greet my ironing pile with a huge I wave at it when I walk past it to my craft room :) :) :) lol !!!!

Huge Hugs Lou xxxx

Monday 19 September 2011

Basic grey challenge 53- pink and brown colour combo.

 Basic Grey papers- Sultry paper pack- peony and russet brown.
 border sticker- from my Sultry pack too!

Morning peeps!!!!!

Well, my Lou (who might I add has some extremely yummy bloggy-versary candy on her blog) and Fleur have been at it again this weekend...pushing me into my paper cupboard in the stroke only section....and making me use my BG papers!!!!! :) :) romfl!!!!!!!

So I just had to dip in there ans get out one of my very stroke only packs, Sultry, to join in with the colour combo challenge on the Basic Grey challenge blog, its Pink and Brown.

My mums birthday is coming up in october so I decided to give make a box for my mums pressie to go in. The tutorial for it is by a lady called Maria bell, here's a linky to the tutorial.

I had to use this little Tilda that has been sitting on my desk for a couple of weeks, I stamped her ages ago and had got her out for a christmas card but she sooooo fitted the colours so had to be used for this box instead!!!
 I nestifyed a scrap I had left from the peony paper to make a little oval for tilda to sit on and stamped the magnolia swirl on it. I had a few more teeny bits of the peony and russet brown left so using my PM mini punches I made some super sweet folwers to sit on the ends of the swirls. The centres are made with my pearl maker pen, its the krystal effects one and I love it!! 
And here's inside.....
Its shamefully empty at the minute but I am hoping to fill it on payday!!! :)

So that me for today peeps, off to take little mo to school and pop in on my mum then home for crafty time!! yey!!!!

Huge hugs Lou xxxxx

Sunday 18 September 2011

Minnie's gift christmas card!!

Image- Minnie's gift from Tiddly Inks.
sentiment- magnolia stamps.

Afternoon peeps!!
I am a bit late popping in today as I have been indulging in some scrummy Little Mo time!! Now he is out stalking the ice cream man so I have got 5 mins to share the cutest Minnie card with you!!
I used some papers I got free with a crafty mag for this one and then had some relaxing time blanket stitching around the edge of the mats!!
Minnie has some glossy accents on her glasses as Mo said she needed some glass in her glasses!!!

.............small break in bloggy post while Lou scoffs the icecream with flake Mo just bought me from the icecream man,aawwwwwww bless him........................

I am popping Minnie in the challenge over on Winter Wonderland Challenge blog which is Girlie Christmas.

OK, I'm back!!! here are the little cakes we made this morning...decorated by my little dessert chef, chef Mo...
They are very yummy because Mo,Ryan and I had to test a lovely warm one one they came out out of the oven this morning!!!!

Right then, I had better get myself organised and get the chicken  roasting for tea, Scott has requested some roast tates so I need to peel and 'hedgehog' the tates and sort out the roast veggies too. For a surprise Mo and I dipped some fresh strawberries in chocolate this morning so a yummy pudding too!!!!
Here they are....

mmmmmmm, yummo!!!
have a fabby sunday everyone
Huge hugs 
Lou xxxxx

Friday 16 September 2011

DCM how many candles challenge.

 Image and papers- Happy Happy Birthday
from Funky Hand.

Hello peeps!!! I am back with another post, 2 in one day again??!!!!
I just had to join in with the DCM's challenge this week. The host is my lovely funkyhand teamie Kathy and she has set the challenge of How Many Candles? all you need to do is have at least one candle on your card, eezy peezy!!! quick go make something and join in!!
And their sponsor this week is none other than our Funky Boss Anice!!! and the most exciting bit is that the prize is the yummy new Happy Happy Birthday cd!!! ooooooohhhhh!!!! now ya'll know I love it!!!!

I used the cake image ( I chose to use the coloured one) and some papers from the birthday girl colourway.The sentiment is from Happy Happy birthday too, so how cool that everything all got printed off and splodged onto a card Lou style!! lol!!!

Don't forget to pop over to the DCM blog and look at the DT's gorgeous cards to get you inspired for your make!!!
hugs Lou xxxx


Morning peeps!!!

How are you all this fine friday? ( Lou looks out of window and thinks......ermmmm weather not fine, weather blooming awful!!!) but I am oh so happy in my heart today that it doesn't matter whats happening with the weather!!

So were you all watchinng C&C with Anice yesterday?? isn't she clever and super fab??!!! We had to record it in the Daubney household as we were all at work/school but can you imagine Little Mo's excitement when he saw himself on tv in this little wordbook??? (....oh yeah and can you imagine how shocked Scott was to see himself on tv too, I might of forgotten to tell him his piccy was in the front!!!!) Oh Mo was so chuffed!!! 
I have to say I was super happy because all the funkette's are just the fabbest bunch of creator's you have ever seen and the new Happy Happy Birthday papercraft factory is just the best. 

So using the surprise colourway on Happy Happy Birthday I made this smile wordbook full of my fav smiles from my nutty family!!!

Here's mamma and pappa cheeeeeeese......
 Thing one and Thing 2 with their cheeky cheeeeeeese's......
 Gorgeous Thing 1 piccy taken by Aunty Leah which we love............
 And one of my favourite quotes ever by Mother Teresa....
I hand stitched the word smile but its a bit tricky to see in the piccy!!!

Then last night I got a text with the most awesome news I have had since Little Mo got his achievers award certificate ( ...which might I add he is getting in achievers assembly today, proud mummy!!!). I got a message from a very special lady telling me that her and her very special man had got engaged. I was so happy (.....yup you guessed it...I cried!!!) So a week of complete loveliness here and I feel like I am smiling from the inside out.

I hope you enjoyed my cheeeeesy post!!! I am off to work now and wil be back to pop in on everybody tonight when I get home!!  then I have a very special peeps engagement card to make.

HUGE hugs!!
Lou xxxxxx

Thursday 15 September 2011

LOTV wedding

(November rain colourway)
Morning peeps!!

its a work morning for me so I am just popping in quick to share with you one of the wedding cards I made yesterday. This one is for my mum to give my great cousin for his wedding on saturday, it doesn't seem 5 minutes since he was a poorly little baby with a hole in his heart so I am so so pleased to of made this card for his wedding day.

I used purple because mum's invite had a purple ribbon on it so I was kinda guessing on the colourscheme a bit but I am super lucky to have my Funky Hand papercraft factory programmes with a zillion scrumptious papers in to turn to!!  I used Craft the Year Away for this one and I love the little flowery paper, too cute.

A little bit of nestifying and martha-ing and I was done really, then I decided I wanted to add some personalisation so I typed out Greg and sarah's names and the date of the wedding on my pooter, printed them out and then punched them with my SU tiny tags punch. I attached them with some stitching thread and tied a teeny bow and then I was finished........until I decided I needed a little bit of bling on there too ( well, I did say i wanted to make it special !!!) so I added some lilac gems around the lacey circle nestie. Then...wohooooo!! it was done!!!

I am so super super excited too as little Mo has won the achiever of the week award at school and is going to get a little certificate in assembly on friday. Anyone who knows me will know this is so so special for Mo as he finds school really rather scary but this year he seems to of just settled right into it, phew!! I am so very proud of him.

Anyway, I had better get my butt into gear and go to work but before I do I just want to remind you to turn on the TV at 9am and 4pm, on the C&C channel  (Sky 671 | Freeview 36 | Freesat 813) and watch our Anice strutting her funky stuff as she demo's the new Happy Happy Birthday papercraft factory
It is totally delicious with some extremely yummy templates so you won't want to miss it.

Have a great day!!!
Hugs Lou xxxx

Wednesday 14 September 2011

Teddy first birthday!

Morning Peeps!!
Happy Hump Day!!

Now , don't all fall over at once but I used my cricut!!!!!! romfl!!!! might even have to use it some more later (.....and definately will be using it all day saturday at cricut club so good job I had a practice!!!!)

I was in a button pressing mood and had a 1st birthday card to make so out came my create a critter cart (which is so totally cute!!!).
I loved having a bit of a lazy make! cut, stick, done!! lol!!!! and I added a little flower to the teddy and her balloon. I used a scrap of funky Hand paper to make the flowers and her dress with, good girl Lou!!!!

Right off to tackle the worlds biggest laundry pile, the wind was so fab yesterday I got 2 huge loads dry but now I have to face the consequences!!!! :) :) then I have 3 wedding cards to make! and all before I go and fetch my precious little boy from school!!

huge hugs Lou xxxx

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Another rainy day and a very proud mummy moment!!!

Papers- Happy Happy Birthday- Birthday boy colourway
from Funky Hand

***This is my 2nd post for today so please scroll down or go HERE for my Tidlly Inks challenge post***

Hiyah peeps!!

I had some me time today which was lovely so I decided to have a play with my other Rainy Day from Saturated Canary digi's that was left from my playtime yesterday!!!!! (well, she did look kinda lonely sat there on her own!!!)
My printer has decided that anything with yellow in will not be printed without looking all weird so I am down to my dark colours only!! and being as I only have a couple of red, a couple of blue and greys (warm and cool) in my copics box I decided they should have an outing for a change!!

Rainy Day was lots of fun to colour today and then I distressed the edges and decided to do some hand stitching too.

I chose the splotty paper from my Happy Happy birthday cd because I decided it makes a neat rain splot background!! then I printed out the dark blue lineny looking one and pulled in some red paper from my stash to match my colouring.

Then the postman came and I had the best surprise ever, it was a postcard from Little mo's headteacher and it said...
I did what every proud mummy would do and cried!!!! I am so unbelievably proud of him. 

Right off to get a snuggle from Mo, then its bathtime!!

huge hugs Lou xxxx

Tiddly inks challenge 65- special 2 week Art Journalling challenge.

Image- Aida from Tiddly inks.
Paper- Key paper ( retired freebie from Christy)

Morning Peeps!!

Its that Tiddly time of week again and so its time for a new challenge over on the Tiddly inks challenge blog.
And this week it is a super one, we want you to join us over the next two weeks with a special journal page---or project (featuring a Tiddly Inks image, hopefully). We thought the extended time would be helpful if art journaling is new to you.

And for me, art journalling was totally new(....yup.....I panicked totally when I got the email for this challenge from our Christy!!!!) so after much scouring of google ( don't worry, Christy has found some excellent linkies over on the challenge blog for you to peeky at!!) I took the plunge and decided to do a page on my utter confusion of where to start!!!!

Aida represents a very confounded Lou and the string is my loopy mind trying to work out where to go!! lol!!! anyhoo a bit of scrunching up paper, distressing and heat embossing copper powder and I was a bit happier about my new learning curve!!! and I can happily report I am busy with page 2 already!! yey lou!!!!

Well, thats me for today then!!! I am going to take little Mo to school ad then pop in on my mum, then its home for some crafty goodness!!!!

Huge hugs
Lou xxxxx

Monday 12 September 2011

Sprocket the steampunk aviator!!

Hello peeps!!

I am popping in late today because I have had a fabby day of crafting with my BF. we had a good play in MTC and making some really cute boxes, I had such a nice day.

I picked Mo up and came home to a power cut....argggghhhhhhhhhh!!! so a quicky hob tea for us tonight (....after dopey here remembered you need to light the gas with a match as the electric clicky button won't work in a power cut.....) and Mo is just playing out the front now. It is so windy!!

Todays share from me is Sprocket, another of my new digi's from Saturated Canary. I coloured her up last night and was in blue and pink mode!! hence the super funky blue blingy hair and lippy she is sporting!!! I am sporting blue fingers from my distress sure BF thinks I don't bathe at night......!!)

I really didn't need to add too much to this little chick, just an embossed background, scrumpled up bit of lace and a super yummy piece of paper from my stash that I stamped cogs all over!! The cogs and sentiment are from my SU sense of time stamp set, love it and use it oodles!

I am popping this over in the Simon says stamp and show some steampunk challenge. I am very much still a learner when it comes to putting some steampunk together so I was blown away with their DT's creations!!!

Right off to see what Mo is doing now as he has taken his bike, helmet on head and is just carting his big brothers skateboard ramp out through the gate....evil kenevil watch out!!!!!!!!

Thank you for popping in on me!!
Hugs Lou xxxxx