Morning Peeps!!
So I have no crafty make to share with you all this morning, just this quote I found on facebook a while ago.
We are busy indugling in family bubble this weekend! he he he!! yesterday we went to the shop especially to buy ingredients for Mo to make his own lemonade. it makes you fell 100% awesome knowing you did that tiny wish your little guy had for the day. These piccies are from my phone so they are not fabulous but they do show how much fun my little guy had making his lemonade!!!

This morning I made Poppy a liver cake for the first time, just need to slice it up into teeny pieces now and freeze some. I love giving her natural treats and they are sooooo cheap to make too, the liver only cost me £2 for 2lb of it!! bargain!!

Today we are wombling over to the school car boot sale and Poppy is taking a walk with her Grumbly dog buddies, then its home for snugglies and film.
I so love the weekend with my guys and pup!!
Have an awesome sunday peeps!!
Huge hugs Lou xxxx