Afternoon peeps!!
I am feeling a bit losted today as my little sidekick has gone back to school today :(.
I have to say though he was very very brave. He had big juicy teary eyes when I gave him a kiss but didn't cry and pootled off into the school gates, what a good lad. (.....then mummy walked to the car as quick as she could and had a good blubber all the way home!!!)
I have to admit, the first few days back at school are hard on both of us. Mo- because he still doesn't adore school yet, I am hoping he will be more settled this year and Me- because I really do love having the little fellow around, he is such a little character.
Anywhoo, enough emotional mummy waffle and onto the creative stuff and explanation of my tissue creation!!!! ( if you want to make one of these super little mini tissue pack holders, the instructions are on the very talented Catherine's blog!)
I used the new addition to the Funky Hand papercraft factory cd family, Happy Happy Birthday, one of its digi stamps and its 'How Old' colourway to make my little entry for The Fetch A Sketch challenge blogs challenge this week.
I added a few little gems onto the digi stamp and wrote get well soon using the writer in the workspace.
Happy Happy birthday is due to be out on release for sale on the 10th September with our very own Head Funkette, Anice, spoiling you with some live demo's on Create and Craft on the 15th September at 9am and 4pm.
If you click on this lurvely picture of the cd you will be magically transported ( the cute ickle fairy of course.....) to the Funky Hand shop where the silky tones of Ianwill talk you through the fabbiness of the cd. There's also a selection of very gorgeous samples from us Funkettes on there too, just look to the bottom of the Happy Happy birthday page for the gallery!! Love it!!!

Well, I guess thats me all done for today. I am going to have another hot drink and then get ready to go and fetch my little man.
Thank you for popping in on me.
Huge hugs Lou xxx