My blog candy.
Morning Peeps!!
On saturday 6th December 2008 a little ole me started my journey into the little world of blogging. Since then I have made so many very special friends and have often thought of having a little blog candy to say thank you for popping in on me and seeing what I have been up to.
I really wanted to have a useful blog candy so I headed straight for Which Crafts and bought a ticket for the Stamp Magic show. Now if you have never been there you so really would love to. I have been 3 times and each time I have thoroughly enjoyed my day and come home with my bags packed full of yummy buys.
So if you would like to win a ticket to the Stamp Magic show all you need to do is these 2 simple steps....
1. Follow my blog by clicking on the 'join this site' button down the right hand tool bar over there....>
2. Leave a comment by sunday 29th september at 8am when I will pick a winner.
Right I have got to get myself going now but here's a piccy of Mo and his breakfast buddy Sophia, sat in Poppy's new cage......

... The cage arrived last night and a very excited Mo got in there as soon as my friend Amy and her fiance Dane had put it up for us and gone home!! Mo and Sophia have been sat in there for over an hour now playing doggies!! its so funny!!
I can't wait for her to arrive now! its just a week and a half now until we get her! squeeeeee!!!
Don't forget to leave a comment if you want to win yourself a ticket to Stamp Magic!!
Huge hugs Lou xxxx