Tuesday 12 April 2011

Tiddly Tuesday- new release!!!!

Image- Hoppy Easter from Tiddly Inks.
papers-memory makers.
promarkers-ivory,pastel biege,pastel pink,
olive green,pear green,crarmel & cocoa.

Morning peeps!!
i have survived my night of camping (...or 'tenting' as mo is calling it!!) It was cold and windy but Mo loved it and woke up so excited at 6am this morning!! He fell straight asleep which surprised us a little as we thought he might want to stay awake (...lou hears the sound of her friends falling onto the floor with laughter,saying "mo stay awake...past 5:30pm...yeah right!!!) Well he managed until 6pm but was out like a light !! LOL!!!
Here he is all tucked up in snuggle land last night...


I am excited because it is Tiddly Tuesday. Over on the challenge blog we are carryingon withour 2 week challenege...

And the prizes are.......

1) One random winner of a $10 gift voucher (there will not be a Top 5).

2) And a new fun idea...a "referral reward" for up to 10 people.

So head over to the Tiddly Inks store - pick up an image or two and join the fun!


And here is a peeky of Christy's new release........
isn't she just awesome?!!!!! I know I will definately be having a play with her later!!!
If you pop on over to Christy's blog she has some sneaky peekies of some very cute and special images she is getting ready for the Tiddly Inks 1st birthday!!!
Right on with my day!!! cuppa and defrosting in the bath!!
Have a great day peeps!!
Hugs Lou xxxx