Image- Sassy.
Morning everyone!!
Oh my! what can I say about this little cutie??? she just makes me smile from ear to ear she's so stinking cute so I had to use her for my Dream Team make this week!!!
There were so many different sentiments that could of happily been used with her! soooo many!! but I went for a little mind wondering ,,,,'How Old?'!! he he! I just thought with her little expression it just fit!!!
Ooooh I've got some exciting updates on me for those who follow my blog! I went to see my oncologist last wednesday and he said I have been doing so well that Friday could be my last chemo. So on Friday off I went and had my bloods done at 9am ready for my chemo at 11:30am. My herceptin slow push injection went in first and then......MY LAST CHEMO!!!! oh my gosh!! I was so excited! I even got a certificate and to ring the bell! All my wonderful chemo nurses came out to watch me ring it and clapped and cheered, it felt so very special....and yup...I'm goofy in the video because that bell was loud!!!!

So now I am just waiting for an appointment for my radiotherapy mapping CT scan before I can begin my 4 and a half week course of chemotherapy. My herceptin injections will happen at home from now on every 3 weeks so that will be nice.I think they finish in march. I have been ever so lucky not to need any type of hormone treatment so once I am all finished with radiotherapy there will just be my next operation to even me up and stop my feeling like the Hunchtit of Notre Dame!!!
Today, I feel really rough from chemo but I know it will run it's course over the next 2 weeks and then I will feel much more Lou-ish again, and I have my gorgeous Little Mo on school summer break now so that is another reason to smile.
Right, I am going to go and try to eat a little breakfast.Thank you so much for popping in, Lou xxx